- Title
- Spring Branch Memorial branch library scrapbook, 1961 - 1966
- Date Original
- 1961 - 1966
- Branches and Locations
- ["Spring Branch Memorial"]
- Type
- ["scrapbook"]
- Subject
- ["Construction","In The News","Budgets","Friends of the Library Groups"]
Spring Branch Memorial branch library scrapbook, 1961 - 1966
- - 3-
Friends of Library
Is Organization
To Serve Community
Friends of the Spring
Branch-Memorial Library is a
newly - formed organization
which hopes to aid the libra¬
ry effort to better serve the
community. Officers have
recently been elected as well
as chairmen of committees;
by-laws have been adopted
and the beginning of plans
to assist the library are un¬
The objectives of the or¬
ganization are to stimulate
the interest of the communi¬
ty, both adult and student, in
the services of the Spring
Branch-Memorial Library, to
enrich the cultural life of
the community and to pro¬
mote a program of assistance
through volunteer help and
fund-raising to try to help
the library attempt to keep
pace with the rapid growth
of the community.
Although it is estimated
that there are some 6,000
members of this County Li¬
brary, it serves a community
which numbers in the vicini¬
ty of 25,000 students and in¬
numerable adults. The libra¬
ry has about 10,000 books
and the librarian, Mrs.
Claude Spang, estimates that
about eleven to thirteen
thousand books circulate
monthly. Although the li¬
brary is small in size, the
circulation is so rapid that
shelves are frequently bare.
The Friends hope to increase
library membership and use.
In line with this aim their
first financial expenditure
will be in the direction of in¬
creasing the library collec¬
tion, guided, of course, by
the librarian’s suggestion on
the area need and demand.
Several of the members of
Friends of the Library have
given volunteer time to pro¬
cess books which have been
donated so that they can be
placed on the shelves. It is
hoped that as the organiza¬
tion grows more volunteers
will come forward and that
the binding of old and worn
books can be undertaken as
well as the institution of a
record collection. It is also
hoped that in the near fu¬
ture a lecture series can be
sponsored which will serve a
two-fold service of raising
funds as well as bringing
programs of interest to the
community. Friends hope to
support the Summer Reading
program for students, award¬
ing prizes for a designated
number of books read and
reported on and also to in¬
stitute a story hour for pre¬
schoolers which will be op-
Officers for the year are
as follows: President, Larry
Torkeldsen of 8025 Long-
ridge; vice president, Mrs.
Thomas Hickey of 303 Elec-
tra; recording secretary, Mrs.
R. Kobayashi of 844 Oak Vil¬
lage; corresponding secre¬
tary, Mrs. J. N. Chancellor,
Jr., of 10114 Tiara Lane;
treasurer, R. R- Dykstra of
:229 Mayerling. Mrs. Dykstra
I is chairman of the member¬
ship committee and Mrs.
'Charles A. Reass of 310 N.
Wilcrest is publicity chair¬
Friends of the Spring
Branch-Memorial Library are
starting a membership drive
mainly in the form of word
of mouth solicitation. They
will hold their next meeting
on February 6, at 8 p.m. at
the Library on Corbindale
Road. All interested in the
importance of books and li¬
braries are invited to attend.
Attractive Library Branch On Corbindale Road
The Spring Branch-Memorial Library
on Corbindale Road continues to
grow in popularity, in added space
and extended hours. An open house
was held April 11 and the Library’s
newest improvements were viewed
by an appreciative reading public, ac¬
cording to Mrs. Edith Spang, Libra¬
rian. For reading information, call
CA-8-8311, extension 379.
(Photo by Roy Arnold.)
Library Friends Organize to Aid
Spring Branch-Memorial Branch
A new group has been or¬
ganized in the Spring Branch
area to aid the west side coun¬
ty branch library in serving the
It is the Friends of the Spring
Branch-Memorial Library and
first president is Larry Tor¬
keldsen of 8025 Longridge.
Objectives of the organization
are to stimulate interest in the
services of the library to both
students and adults, to enrich
the cultural life of the commu¬
nity and to promote a program
of assistance through volunteer
help and fund-raising projects
to help the library keep pace
with the growth of the commu¬
nity, Torkeldsen said.
Although patronage of the li¬
brary Is estimated at 6000, it
serves a community of 25,000
students and innumerable
adults, he said.
The library has about 10,000
books and the librarian, Mrs.
Claude Spang of 826 Bunker Hill,
estimates from 11,000 to 13,000
books are circulated each
Although the library, located
at 900 Corbindale, Is small, cir¬
culation is so rapid the shelves
are often bare, Mrs. Spang said.
‘‘Several members of the
Friends have given time to
process books which have been
donated and we hope that more
will volunteer to help with bind¬
ing old and worn books,” he
said. ‘‘We also want to start a
record collection.”
Future plans for the organ¬
ization include a lecture series
to raise funds for the library. |
A summer reading program,!
with prizes for students, also!
j will be operated by volunteers.'
A membership drive is under
I way.
j Other officers are Mrs. Thom-
jas Hickey, 303 Electra, vice-!
I president; Mrs. R, Kobayashi,
j 844 Oak Valley, recording sec¬
retary; Mrs. J. N. Chancellor,
| Jr., 10114 Tiara, corresponding
secretary, and R. R. Dykstra,
1229 Mayerling, treasurer.
Mrs. Dykstra is chairman of*1
| the membership committee and
Mrs. Charles A. Reass, 310 N.
Wilcrest, is publicity chairman.
I The group’s next meeting will
I be at 8 p.m, Feb. 6 at the
i I t f £_ 3
Spring Branch-Memorial Drive County Library branch proves huge success; regular hours announced ; Judge Elliott's library plan under study ; Librarian sought for new St. Francis branch ; Branch library in church opened ; Impressive ceremonies mark opening Memorial Drive-Spring Branch county library branch ; Memorial Drive-Spring Branch library to hold official opening
Officiate at dedication ; Readers make fast trip through Texas ; Librarian invites visits ; Newest library boasts 235 clients already ; Annual book week to be observed ; Girl Scout books to be at library
Walks mile to use library
Newest library boasts 235 clients already ; County library branch to publish schedule ; Branch library announces change in hours
Branch library set reading club ; Books for branch library ; City to buy site for branch library in area ; 'Flying saucers' beckon to young readers at Harris County libraries
County library book circulation sets mark. ; Reading program is huge success; Colt .45's help
She asks drive for 'bookless' library by plush county cars ; Garden clubs.
The Houston Post editorial cartoon. Transportation vs education.
Sayers hotly defends new county cars ; Mother of young readers has idea in putting new county cars to use
Commissioners approve slight increase for library book fund
County librarian makes her job a cause-- pleads for more books
No library cut vowed by Goyen ; Memorial, Spring Branch libraries increase hours
County Library budget request faces slash ; Harris County budget total cut $14,000 ; Harris County Commissioners slash budget
$30,985,574 county budget o.k.'d; up more than $1 million
Waste paper will pay for new books at library ; Library gets set for paper collections
Spring Branch-Memorial Library bulges at seams; remodeling is planned ; Spring Branch-Memorial Schedule ; County library branch parking lot gets new top ; Library branch sets special programs for library week
Friends of Library is organization to serve community ; Attractive library branch on Corbindale Road ; Library friends organize to aid Spring Branch-Memorial Library
Commissioners Lyons to address Spring Branch-Memorial Library group at meeting next week ; Lyons addresses meeting of Friends of Spring Branch-Memorial Library
Robert A. Vines to address meeting of Friends of Library ; Children's books needed by local library ; Library needs critical
Library given book on alcoholic family problems ; Senior scouts work on plans for Library Week ; Harvard classics to library; Friends of Library officers
Piney Point votes $500 for library ; Spring Branch-Memorial Library has rental books ; Spring Branch-Memorial Library observes National Library Week
Jamie Ford (photograph) ; Story hour held by scouts Wednesday at S. B.-Memorial Library ; Scouts help at library
Kids read good books in summer ; 4 kids read 640 books
Spring Branch-Memorial Library announces programs for summer
Little white house home to thousands
Right of way being cleared
County in hassle over book lending
KHOU-TV Channel 11, The Magic Room with Marc Cramer, Sunday 5:30 PM. Study guide for April 15. "The Library"
Memorial Library celebrates 10th birthday as popular summer place ; Students study at SB-Memorial library ; Children's room Spring Branch-Memorial Library
Book talk between friends : compiled by the Friends of the Spring Branch-Memorial Library ;
Book talk between friends : prepared by the Friends of the Spring Branch-Memorial Library. ; Books? Old books? Take them to a fire station Saturday; help the library.
Junior Girl Scout service week. ; National Library Week set for April 12-19. ; National Library Week, activities slated. ; Present handbooks to library. ; Girl Scouts present handbooks to library from troop funds.
Mrs. June Benefield to speak at friends of the library meet. ; "Friends of the library" keep you well read. ; June Benefield, guest speaker.
People in action : Mrs. Warren C. Fry is popular area resident; performs many worthy community services. ; 'Reading maketh a wise man.'
Bridge tournament raises $2,500. ; Court orders plans for library addition. ; Award announcements made for bridge tournament. ; Library work funds raised.
County library may grow. ; Books-books-books : The most popular books of Spring Branch-Memorial Library for March, 1965. ; Christmas children's hours. ; Flag ceremony. ; National Library Week, activities slated. ; Girl Scouts to tell stories for children's hour at Spring Branch-Memorial Library during Christmas.
Vines will speak to 'Friends of Library.' ; Friends of Library to meet April 7. ; Going places. Jones, Bettye. ; Library group meets April 1. ; Library friends set awards night Tuesday, June 1. ; Vines will speak.
Bridge tourney climaxed with awards to winners. ; Bridge players book library building fund.
Spring Branch-Memorial Library announces winners in summer reading program.
Reports 189 books under belt. ; Champion reader named at library.
Story hour.
Story hour set for kids. ; Memorial library benefits from villages fund.
Going places. ; Junior Girl Scouts service week.
Library makes a little go a long way. ; Library will sell books. ; Spring Branch-Memorial Library has a book sale. ; S. Branch will hold book sale. ; New officers for friends of library. ; June Benefield 1965 headliner.
Special salute to Girl Scouts. ; Booksellers and buyer. ; Spring Branch-Memorial Library to observe National Library Week. ; Spring Branch-Memorial Library to get new look.
County Library gets $5,000 from Harris Ct. ; County budget must be pared to bone, department heads told. The Houston Chronicle. ; Bridge play gets room for library.
How Spring Branch-Memorial Library will look. ; Plans revised for new county library wing. ; Constructed halted on Hedwig library annex. ; Spring Branch-Memorial Library to add space.
Library summer plans. ; Children's hour each Wednesday at S B library. ; People in action : Mr. and Mrs. R. R. A. Dysktra, founders of "The Friends of the Spring Branch Memorial Library."
56 bridge prizes climax nine-month tournament.
Bridge tournament winners.
Bridge prizes. ; Going places, Jones, Bettye. ; Legal notice. ; Library construction underway. ; Construction halted on Hedwig library annex.
Hedwig waives zoning : work to resume on new library annex. ; Books-books-books : The most popular books of Spring Branch-Memorial Library for June, 1965. ; Library's birthday gift.
Spring Branch-Memorial Library.
A Mirror exclusive ... first picture of the county library addition. ; County library enlarged. The Houston Chronicle. ; Library shapes up.
Review of books at SB-Memorial Library. ; Dedication of library set Sept. 18. ; College co ed.
Dedication of library set September 18.
Dedication of library slated for Saturday. ; Library dedication. ; DAR presents Constitution. ; Ribbon cutting dedication.
Open house on Arbor Day. ; Courtyard adds charm to the SB-Memorial Library. ; Spring Branch-Memorial Library gets new court. ; A dream comes true.
Sale of used books marks Library Week. ; Observing Library Week. ; Library program attracts many. ; First library in Spring Branch-Memorial.
Friends of Library bridge winners.. ; Bridge tourney winners to receive awards at library. ; Bridge tourney benefits library, winning players. ; Friends of library awards. ; Tournament winners to be award.
Meeting of the Friends of the Spring Branch-Memorial Library. ; Friends of library to elect officers. ; Annual meeting library friends set for April 6. ; Winners announced in bridge tournament.
Winners announced in bridge tournament.