bter almost a
officials said,
ns Brothers
is awarded a
:t Monday to
and portions
maged in the
in au vance ui uie ie-
pairs because the bridge would
sustain additional damage from
the weight of cars and trucks,
Gbur said.
“That’s not something we
wanted to gamble with.” she said.
The damage was previously es-
tio OSto/J Ct+fo/J/CLe. jMjte
uy HUg. 2.
The cargo boom on the
freighter Leon struck the bridge
May 31 as the ship was en route
to city docks. The bridge had
been struck by another freighter
last December, but the latest acci¬
dent caused more damage, Gbur
clone under me unuge ana
“Their frustration is under¬
stood by this department,” Gbur
said. “We are frustrated as well
— this is the second time in six
months this structure has been
l out of we wuuiu
schedule the closure dui
peak time for traffic,” sh
Coast Guard officials h
the Leon and another
Rickmer’s Tinjian — whic
bridge Dec. 21, causing
in damage — are both
ntly decided
bounty Con¬
ors did not
mer deputy
ed she was
s advances,
:e filed the
ot believe
against the
;, said Assis-
rney Nick
iberated for
n June 11,
reached for
;table said
that he was
ney, I knew
nerated be-
rn’t guilty,”
ire did. One
u can’t beat
e facts and
i Frank, an-
y constable
i sexual ha-
linst Cham-
Lhe trial. An
; made simi-
ambers said
use her rela-
ef Deputy
} it difficult
to oversee
worked for
three years
in 1997. She
instable put
i and made
len the two
ir in a com¬
int with the
:nt Opportu-
Ictober 1997
id then filed
Melissa Phillip
Read any good books lately?
Jessica Hernandez, 3, looks at a book during The new library, at 1503 South Houston Ave.,
the grand opening of Harris County Public Li- moved from a 2,800-square-foot building into
brary’s Octavia Fields branch on Wednesday, a 15,000-square-foot facility.
City (
Houston Chronicle
Houston City Council
day postponed a dec
whether to start negotiat
Lakewood Church for
lease on the Compaq Ct
Several council membt
that the vote be put off
so they can decide whel
ing or selling the cente
and which city fund si
ceive the proceeds.
But even council mem
had questions seem am»
the Lakewood proposal,
eludes a $9.5 million rent
and $69 million in renov
the center.
“I don’t think there’s
a chance for anybody b
wood,” said Councilm;
Goldberg, who asked f(
pension of rules so the
bidder, Crescent Real E
uities, could speak briefly
Crescent Senior Vice I
Jane B. Page told coun
bers that Crescent lias <.
swap a prized green :
front of the George R. Bn
vent ion Center in exeh
the Compaq Center.
cent, the largest commer
holder in Houston, wan
serve the right to raze th
Crescent already prov
Compaq Center air com
controls nearby parking
the nearby Greenway F
“People acted like ‘V
you? The antichrist?’ to
this off for a week,” said
man Mark Ellis. “We jus
hear all they have to sa;
experts said leasing
Center to Lakewood wo
not create First Arne
separation of chur ch anc
gal issues if the city is *
Jordy Tollett, chief oi
Mayor Lee Brown and ht
city’s convention and e
ment facilities, said a cil