- Title
- Harris County Public Library Scrapbook (1941-1948)
- Description
- Scrapbook containing newspaper articles about events and updates at various Harris County Public Library branches, focusing on Pasadena, Goose Creek, North Houston Memorial, and the Victory Book Campaign drive to collect books for soldiers.
- Date Original
- 1941 - 1948
- Branches and Locations
- ["Goose Creek","Harris Farm Center","Pasadena","Ellington Field","Meadowbrook","South Houston","Lone Star College Tomball","Highlands Stratford","Bookmobile","Highlands","Garden Villas","La Porte","Central Office","Katy","La Porte Colored School Library","West University","Pelly","Seabrook","Humble","North Houston Memorial","Octavia Fields","Aldine School","Fairbanks","Crosby Edith Fae Cook Cole","Klein School","Jacinto City","Spring Branch"]
- Goose Creek
- Harris Farm Center
- Pasadena
- Ellington Field
- Meadowbrook
- South Houston
- Lone Star College Tomball
- Highlands Stratford
- Bookmobile
- Highlands
- Garden Villas
- La Porte
- Central Office
- Katy
- La Porte Colored School Library
- West University
- Pelly
- Seabrook
- Humble
- North Houston Memorial
- Octavia Fields
- Aldine School
- Fairbanks
- Crosby Edith Fae Cook Cole
- Klein School
- Jacinto City
- Spring Branch
- Type
- ["scrapbook"]
- Subject
- ["Victory Book Campaign","HCPL Staff","Statistics","Donations","Story Time","Reba Anderson","Library Directors","Bernice Snell","World War, 1939-1945","Boy Scouts","Girl Scouts","Houston Public Library","Julia Ideson"]
Harris County Public Library Scrapbook (1941-1948)
Ellington Field Station Hospital
Garden Villas
Goose Creek
La Porte
North Houston Memorial
South Houston
Spring Branch
Victory Book Campaign
West University

4 ~ 24 ~ у у
Bookmobile to Be
Laid Up for Repair
I -
ya^'4 ^ T w ’
Book Reviewers
Plan Annual
Guest Day Tea
The Harris County Public Li¬
brary’s Bookmobile will be laid up
for repairs all of the month of
February, it was announced Sat¬
urday. This will necessitate the
cancellation of all trips scheduled
for the month.
In addition to the cancellation
of all trips during February the
bookmobile will be unable to make
a trip scheduled for Monday to the
Lutheran School, Oakwood at
Brough’s and the Roosevelt School.
Gwen Bristow’s “Tomorrow Is
Forever” will be reviewed by Mrs.
Hugh Echols May 3 when Book
Review club is host at its annual
guest day tea at Baytown Com¬
munity house. Plans for the fete
were made this morning at the
regular meeting at Goose Creek
branch library.
Mrs. J. L. Franklin, Jr., re¬
viewed “Bonin” by Robert Stand-
Bookmobile Will
Resume Its Regular
Schedule Wednesday
Atending were Mesdames W. L.
Pendergraft, a guest, G. H. Ship-
ley, Jr., J. N. Chatfield, L. J.
Reilly, W. L. Ilfrey,
H. Dawson,
Jesse Kirkpatrick, Echols, G. A.
Lillie, Lynn Hodges, and D. C.
The Bookmobile, the Harris
County traveling library, will re- :
j sume its regular schedule of trips
Wednesday, Librarian Reba An-
jderson announced today.
Mrs. Anderson explained that
JUNE 9, 1944
j the Bookmobile has been undergo¬
ing extensive repairs since Janu¬
ary1 31, when all trips until March
22 were cancelled.
The following stops will fall on
previously announced dates and
.will be repeated every three
I weeks.
Wednesday: Channelview School,
1 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Channelview
| Post Office, 1:30 p.m. to 2 p.m.:
j 12910 Lila Lane in Woodland
’Acres, 2:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.
| Friday: Harris County Girls’
School, 10:15 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.;
Almeda School, 1:45 p.m. to 2:30
p.m.; Foster Place Elementary
School, 2:45 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Harris County
Library News
The Pasadena Branch of the
Library located on the corner of
Vince and Broadway is open ev¬
ery week day afternoon except
holidays. The month of January
saw the largest circulation of
books we have ever had and altho
February is a short month with a ;
holiday, it seems to be running a ;
very close race.
Over a hundred books have
been brought out from the central
Library in Houston in the last
month. Some of them, new ones.
Among which are copies of Loyd
C. Douglass: “The Robe;” John
Roy Carlson’s “Under Cover;”
George H. Clarke’s: “New Treas¬
ury of War Poetry;” new books
for small children and Juveniles.
Current magazines received are
Readers Digest, Better Homes and
Gardens, Geographic Magazine,
Popular Mechanics and the Air- 1
plane News. ~ ~
FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1944
~JULY 28, 1944
public Library
The Tomball Branch of
the Harris County Library,
open each Friday, from 2 :30
to 4 :30, is located in the City
Hall. One of the interesting
new books this month,
ven Busch, is soon to be
made into a movie. The story
centers around the love af¬
fairs of an early Texas out¬
law, a woman whose beauty
was equalled by her daring.
Readers who enjoyed A-
How many Tomball resi¬
dents have noticed the shel¬
ves of books in the City
Hall? These four or five
hundred books are availa¬
ble to any county resident
free of charge because they
are a part of the Harris
County Public Library. The
County Library is maintain¬
ed by funds appropriated
j from the Genreal Fund by
I the county commissioners,
j Last year the budget for
! the Library provided coun¬
ty-wide library service at a
rate of only 15 cents per
person. The citizens of ru¬
ral Harris County have ac-
Machines will like tne new
novel by the same autnor.
has for its heroine a spunky
English girl spy who aias
the Poles during the Dac-
tle of Warsaw. Love cap¬
tures a girl whom the Eaz.s
couldn’t catch.
Seldom has the mood of
suspense been so well sus¬
tained as in THE VISITOR.
If you liked REBECCA read
this thriller without a corpse
but don’t spoil your friends’
fun by telling them whether
the VISITOR is the missing
son or the son’s murderer.
New murder stories: THE
(a lucky child he was, too!)
by the author of LADY IN
bly the first “Who Done It”
where the murderer is found
by the clues in the cartoons.
Watch your lines aand you’ll
be ready to catch him by the
time the detective is.
cess to 47,253 books, 26,211
adult, 21,042 juvenile.
These books are distributed
through forty community I
and school branches, and
through 3 0 bookmobile
stops. Once each month one
of the trained librarians
from the central office of
the County Library in Hous¬
ton brings books to Tom¬
ball and takes in books
which are not being read
in Tomball for use in some
other branch.
In the Tomball Library
I children of all ages can find
books which they will en¬
joy. Many wise parents take
advantage of the summer
months b
their children to read in or¬
der that September will find
the children ready to do bet¬
ter work in school because
of improved reading abili¬
ty. Adult readers can find
books such as mysteries and l
love stories which will en- 1
able them to escape for a
few hours from the worries
of everyday life. For those
who want to learn how to
do things the Library has
been able to secure techni¬
cal books on such subjects
as welding, radio, aviation,
and first aid. F’or people
I w’ho want to know about the
j war and to follow through
j reading the experiences of
! their loved ones in the ser-
| vice there are many up-to-
\ date books. Any book not
at present in Tomball may
be secured by filling out a
request slip with the name
or subject of the book.
f Tomball,
Huff smith, and the sur¬
rounding territory may ob¬
tain books from the Tom¬
ball Library by giving their
names and addresses to the
librarian in the City Hall.
Children are asked to have
their parents sign their
cards. Out-of-county or j
temporary residents of the I
community may have books j
by putting up a deposit
which will be returned when |
they are ready to stop us¬
ing the Tomball Library.
Books may be kept for two
wppVc nnd renewed once.
The Tomball Library cir¬
culated twice as many books
in June as in May. Eighty
books were added to the
Tomball collection on July
22. Among them are a num¬
ber of books just received
from the publishers.
Canal Town by Samuel
Hopkins Adams is the most
interesting novel added to
the Tomball Library this
month. Canal Town is the
story of a young doctor’s
struggle in 1820 against ma¬
laria, dysentery, and ignor¬
ance in Palmyra, New York.
During this period little was
known about medicine. Or¬
thodox doctors still consid¬
ered blood-letting necessary
in many diseases. Even the
most recent graduate of a
medical school found it ad¬
visable to keep a can of
leeches in his office. Anes¬
thesia and germs were un¬
known. Malaria was thought
to be lurking in the night
air or in the marshes. Only
the young doctor and a gyp¬
sy woman suspected that
mosquitoes, not fog, carried
the disease. The young doc¬
tor’s determined efforts to
clean up Palmyra angered
the leading citizens, even
though epidemics almost
stopped the building of the
Erie Canal. Suit was brought
against the doctor and he
lost his license to practice
medicine. Through all his
troubles to his final triumph,
the doctor’s most loyal sup¬
porter was a young girl who
was as willful and uncon¬
ventional, though not as sel¬
fish, as Scarlett O’Hara,
Canal Town is a novel which
makes yesterday’s scandals
and problems seem as vivid
as today’s. _
Felly Library
Gets Mew Books
I nil
A variety of new books haw V€
just been received by the p.ii, J •
branch of the Harris County pub T
lie library, it was announced
clay by Mrs. Frieda Stern, librnr
In the fiction group are a stit
ring romance of the days of at
tiaders, Captain Ebony,” th
Hamilton Cochran, and an out in
standing novel of the year,
Stood the Wind for France,’ it m'
Daily Son 7-12-44
Thirty New Books In
Goose Creek Library
Thirty new books were received
at the Goose Creek branch of the
Harris County public library this
week, Mrs.
T. Shewell, librar¬
ian, said today.
Included in the group are
“Homeward the Heart,” a best
seller, “A Mocking Bird Is Sing¬
ing,” and Grace Moore's biogra¬
phy, "You're Only Human Once.”
“Ten Ycdrs in Japan,” non-fiction,
which has been very much in de¬
mand in the library, also is avail-
blc, Mrs. Shewell said.
Those who wish to read the
new books may leave their appli-
1 cations for them now, Mrs. She¬
well said. _
H. E. Bates. Others are “Breath re
Upon These," an appealing hi)
man interest novel by Ludwi u
Lewisohn; “Air Mission to A
Riers." a story of action and
venture by Frederick Nelson
ton; “What Became of Anna B r},
ton.” by the author of “The PuJ R
Came,” Louis Bromfield. J
A story of Texas is “Duel in
Sun,” by Niven Busch;
Glory" by Rosamond DuJardiil -yy
an absorbing romance. An bila A
ions story of a close,t skeletoi
found in "Ezra and Me” by H;
Persons Taber.
Those to whom stories of
west rfppcal will enjoy “Courj
Stout.” "No Range is Free"
“Wilderness Trek,” a novel
Australia, by Zane Gray.
Also there are many mysl
stories such as "So Much Bio
by Zelda Popkin and “The ,\i
with the Lumpy Nose!" ‘by l.aj be
ronoe Larier.
Several non-fiction books on ai T
venture, travel, politics; books! 111
recreation, information and )| it!
tory were received, Mrs. Stff
said. There also are a numi
of new books for children. ■
Library hours are from 3
p.m. each day except Sunday.! fc
Daily Son 8-25-44 J
Ly _ _
Book Review Club
Hears Mrs. Armendt
a m tl
d, Jj w
“Canal Town” by Samuel
loins was reviewed by Mrs.
Aimendt Wednesday mon
when Book Review club metl
Goose Creek branch library! P
Attending were Mesda
Charles K. Scott, J. R. Read.
C. Burkett, W. T. Ilfrey of H|
ton, Hal Woodall, guests; Jl ’
Franklin, Jr., W. K. Puderbai 9]
A. . F. Lockhart, D. C. Kelly, I
Trenekmann, W. L. Ilfrey, G| •
H. Shipley, Thomas H. Halej “
B. Franklin, .Bynum Turner, 1 th
Chatfield, and Hugh Echols.l th
- - - - 4
Fines of five cents a weekj
are charged if the books are *
kept out overtime. '
In Tomball Mrs. Hardy
Gilliam is the volunteer li-
brarian. Why not £0 to the
City Hall some Friday af-
' ternoon between 2:30 and
4:30 and let Mrs. Gilliam
show you some of the good
books in the Tomball Li-
Back cover
County Library in existence 20 years ; City-County Library news ; La Porte Branch County Library new books listed ; Circulation of County Library shows big gains ; Book review club meets at library ; Reviewers hear Mrs. Kollenberg ; Story hour set ; Reviewer club meets Wednesday ; Mrs. McCulloch to give reviews ; Mrs. McCulloch is book reviewer ; Mrs. Typree conducts story hour today ; Reviewer club
County Library offers a number of reading chances to the rural farm people ; Harris County Library history ; American spirit revealed in fiction ; Miss Edithel Hargraves has moved the Pasadena Public Library ; Library to be moved August 21 ; Mrs. Lawrence Ross gives book review ; Shirer diary is reviewed at club
La Porte-Bayshore Garden Club ; Reviwer members to hear Mrs. Clark ; Library extends loan on all books to 14 days ; Reference works added to library stock here ; County names new bookmobile aide ; Library branch in University Place will open Monday ; Mrs. Dawson gives Wednesday review ; Mrs. Stewart gives Wednesday review ; Book campaign ; Mrs. Lockhart reviews at Wednesday meeting ; 'Meanest Man' sends old papers in bookdrive ; New library branch to open
Mrs. Kollenberg to review on Wednesday ; Library notes ; Mrs. Kollenberg recent reviewer ; Mrs. Singleton gives Wednesday book review ; Mrs. B. B. Turner to review Saroyan novel ; Book reviewers meet at branch library ; List of books on current matters made available ; New books as library ; Schedule for Bookmobile given by library ; Reviewer club to hear Mrs. Spuhler ; Books tell how to improve war living condition ; Mrs. Lederer speaks to reviewer members ;
Reviewer club hears Mrs. Charles Boyer ; Mrs. McCall speaks to reviewer club ; Library news ; We have books ; Bookmobile schedule for week announced ; Mrs. Clark speaks to reviewer club ; Stop of Bookmobile for week announced ; Pasadena library news ; Mrs. Wood reviews for Wednesday club
Bookmobile to be laid up for repair ; Book reviewers plan annual guest day tea ; Tomball branch of the Harris County Public Library ; Tomball library ; Pelly library gets new books ; Bookmobile will resume its regular schedule Wednesday ; Tomball library has new books ; Harris County Library news ; Thirty new books in Goose Creek library ; Book review club hears Mrs. Armendt
Library circulation record broken ; Library news ; Humble garden club visits Russell Day Lily Farm ; New books at local library ; Library board holds meeting ; Library planned in north Harris ; Fairbanks book review ; County Bookmobile to start travels ; New books added to library shelves ; Howdy folks ; Library arranged in Berry School area ; County gives two holidays to employees ; Bookmobile vacation schedule announced ; Observe book week
Local library book-lending business booms ; County library to be improved ; As The Post saw it ; Library building plans tentative ; Young announced ; Summer reading club planned by library ; Pasadena plans library building
Let's get acquainted ; Library benefit slated at Crosby ; Who owns Goose Creek Library building ; Library building finds new home, contract awarded ; Library repairs
Library has new books to lend ; Library shifted to temporary quarters in school building ; Book circulation off 50 percent, librarian states ; Program from a Tom Thumb wedding at the Crosby Library
Program from a Tom Thumb wedding at the Crosby Library
Ellington Field Station Hospital
Meeting to study recreation for soliders called ; "Little bird" ; Books on Mexico are available at library here ; Health, diet books available ; Library making drive for books for camps ; Annual Guest Day ; Review Club's Guest Day is held Friday ; Book collection set for May 4 ; County Library's book circulation up 10 per cent
Parley arranges book collection drive for soliders ; Donation of books to army camp will show City's appreciation of soliders ; Churches to aid book collection for Army camps ; Books will be collection for soldiers Sunday ; Vanishing Virginian topic of review ; Reviewer plans trip to Houston Thursday ; Dr. Leigh Peck to tell legends to library club l Reviewer hears Mrs. Goodwin ; Book collection to be tomorrow ; County Library on wheels adds 14 new stops ; Mrs. Turn is book reviewer ; Mrs. Hodes is book reviewer ; Mrs. Fitzsimmons reviews Wednesday
Books for soliders ; Texans urged to aid in securing better libraries ; Library to have Lions Club shelf ; Book review ; Children's Reading Club is now open ; New books in the Pasadena Library ; Stereoptican volumes are added to library ; County aid asked to build Harris Farm Center ; Pasadena Library to start Reading Club
Victory book campaign ; Deposit centers for victory book drive announced ; "Victory book" campaign to be started Monday ; Victory book campaign opens ; County libraries join book drive ; Soldiers invited to detail book needs
Houstonians respond warmly to Victory Book campaign ; Ellington FIeld receives books ; Victory Book campaign success ; State director of Victory Book drive cites needs ; Victory Book Campaign ; Books collected here hauled to Ellington Field ; Marine praises Victory Gook campaign
Variety of books are requested ; Library signs 10,000th patron ; Library offered for war effort meetings ; Read good books, save pennies, tires ; Librarians have vital role in war work, says official ; Role of libraries in war effort is studied ; Book review club meets on Wednesday ; Reviewer members hear Mrs. Ross ; New books received at local library ; Branch stations are opened by library here ; Mrs. Singleton gives review on Wednesday
Book reviewers hear Mrs. W. F. Fitzsimmons ; Interesting books County Library circulates ; Book review club meets at library ; Library acquires many new books ; Book reviewers to hear Mrs. Turner ; Book review club hears Mrs. Tidemann ; Mrs. Kelly gives Wednesday review ; 'As the Seed is Sown' ; Ellington Field Library is given warship manual ; Reviewers to hear Mrs. Claude Davis ; Book review members hear Mrs. McCulloch ; Marriage announced
Garden Villas
County Library in existence 20 years ; City-County Library news ; La Porte Branch County Library new books listed ; Circulation of County Library shows big gains ; Book review club meets at library ; Reviewers hear Mrs. Kollenberg ; Story hour set ; Reviewer club meets Wednesday ; Mrs. McCulloch to give reviews ; Mrs. McCulloch is book reviewer ; Mrs. Typree conducts story hour today ; Reviewer club
County Library offers a number of reading chances to the rural farm people ; Harris County Library history ; American spirit revealed in fiction ; Miss Edithel Hargraves has moved the Pasadena Public Library ; Library to be moved August 21 ; Mrs. Lawrence Ross gives book review ; Shirer diary is reviewed at club
Library gets new donations ; Garden Villas library well organized and equipped ; North Houston library asks big gift ; Local man gives religious books for new library ; Pre-school story hour Wednesday
215 books acquired by library ; Small but friendly, the Garden Villas library serves entire community ; 30 children hear P.-T.A.'s story hour ; West University Library now open
Goose Creek
Meeting to study recreation for soliders called ; "Little bird" ; Books on Mexico are available at library here ; Health, diet books available ; Library making drive for books for camps ; Annual Guest Day ; Review Club's Guest Day is held Friday ; Book collection set for May 4 ; County Library's book circulation up 10 per cent
Parley arranges book collection drive for soliders ; Donation of books to army camp will show City's appreciation of soliders ; Churches to aid book collection for Army camps ; Books will be collection for soldiers Sunday ; Vanishing Virginian topic of review ; Reviewer plans trip to Houston Thursday ; Dr. Leigh Peck to tell legends to library club l Reviewer hears Mrs. Goodwin ; Book collection to be tomorrow ; County Library on wheels adds 14 new stops ; Mrs. Turn is book reviewer ; Mrs. Hodes is book reviewer ; Mrs. Fitzsimmons reviews Wednesday
Books for soliders ; Texans urged to aid in securing better libraries ; Library to have Lions Club shelf ; Book review ; Children's Reading Club is now open ; New books in the Pasadena Library ; Stereoptican volumes are added to library ; County aid asked to build Harris Farm Center ; Pasadena Library to start Reading Club
County Library in existence 20 years ; City-County Library news ; La Porte Branch County Library new books listed ; Circulation of County Library shows big gains ; Book review club meets at library ; Reviewers hear Mrs. Kollenberg ; Story hour set ; Reviewer club meets Wednesday ; Mrs. McCulloch to give reviews ; Mrs. McCulloch is book reviewer ; Mrs. Typree conducts story hour today ; Reviewer club
County Library offers a number of reading chances to the rural farm people ; Harris County Library history ; American spirit revealed in fiction ; Miss Edithel Hargraves has moved the Pasadena Public Library ; Library to be moved August 21 ; Mrs. Lawrence Ross gives book review ; Shirer diary is reviewed at club
County Library celebrates 20th anniversary; Reviewers hear Mrs. T. H. Hale ; Mrs. H. M. Singleton gives book review ; Books designed to aid children in reading available ; La Porte Branch Harris County Library ; Children's story hour at library postponed ; Mrs. Tyree has story hour
La Porte Branch Harris County Library ; Library news ; Miss McClary visits library ; Library has new books ; Library received new book ; New books for library ; Young readers receive diplomas ; Reviewer club hears Mrs. Bacon ; Mrs. Delmas Smith reviews "The Longhorn" ; Mrs. Echolas is book reviewer ; Mrs. Dawson gives review Wednesday
National Book Week will be observed here ; Librarian reviews recent biography ; County Library, Librarian Ethel Hargraves ; Book review club hears Mrs. Armendt ; Book review clubs hear Houstonian ; Open house ; South Houston Library holds open house ; Many visit library during Book Week ; Proclamation ; Reviewers hear Mrs. Lee Tag ; Mrs. F. J. Spuhler gives book review ; Book review club will have business meeting ; Lions book shelf volumes obtained ; Reviewers hear Mrs. G. W. Wilson
Librarain is P.T.A. speaker ; Children invited to get library cards ; Mrs. Armendt named review club head ; Bill of Rights display ready at library here ; Library news ; Library books for Thanksgiving reading offered ; Mrs. Chatfield is book review ; Mrs. Trenchmann gives book review ; Reviewer members hear Mrs. Webber ; Reviewers hear Mrs. E. T. Bacon ; Library News
LIbrary news ; Review members elect Mrs. Webber ; Mrs. Don S. Freese gives book review ; Book review members to hear Mrs. Larkins ; Book review club hears Mrs. Snyder ; Mrs. Larkins gives Wednesday review ; Library subscribes to series of maps ; Mrs. Abe Rosenzweig to give book review ; Students become literary minded ; The reviewer club hears "Tortilla Flat" ; Book review club meets at library ; Mrs. Johnson gives review of Buck novel ; Harris County Library Pasadena branch ; Book review club hears Mrs. Hall ; Review given by Mrs. C.K. Scott ; Book review club hears Mrs. Ilfrey
In sending books to Army remember you wouldn't give stubs for cigarets ; Give a book ; Victory book campaign seeks 10,000,000 books for soldiers ; Save your books
Books enlisted here for soldiers ; Boy Scouts aid in soldier book drive ; East End people asked to contribute books for soldiers ; Collections of books for troops to start Monday ; Book from every person sought in campaign for USO ; Goose Creek stores seek Victory bonds
The gift of one book from everyone is goal set in this community ; Book from every citizen is goal in campaign here ; Victory Book drive ; All types of books requested ; More books needed for Victory campaign ; Reviewer to hear Mrs. Jones ; Book review members to hear Mrs. Hickerson
Variety of books are requested ; Library signs 10,000th patron ; Library offered for war effort meetings ; Read good books, save pennies, tires ; Librarians have vital role in war work, says official ; Role of libraries in war effort is studied ; Book review club meets on Wednesday ; Reviewer members hear Mrs. Ross ; New books received at local library ; Branch stations are opened by library here ; Mrs. Singleton gives review on Wednesday
Book reviewers hear Mrs. W. F. Fitzsimmons ; Interesting books County Library circulates ; Book review club meets at library ; Library acquires many new books ; Book reviewers to hear Mrs. Turner ; Book review club hears Mrs. Tidemann ; Mrs. Kelly gives Wednesday review ; 'As the Seed is Sown' ; Ellington Field Library is given warship manual ; Reviewers to hear Mrs. Claude Davis ; Book review members hear Mrs. McCulloch ; Marriage announced
Reviewer club meets at Goose Creek library ; Book Revew club elects Mrs. Larkins ; Mrs. Chatfield gives Wednesday book review ; Reviewer club to sponsor review-tea ; Book review club hears Mrs. Hale ; Reviewer club members hear Mrs. J. J. Savelli ; Reviewer club hears Mrs. Clyde Fuller ; Mrs. Cullinane to give Jan. 6 review ; Book review club to hear Mrs. Hall ; Mrs. Shewell to become librarian here Jan. 1 ; Victory book drives announced ; Reviewer club hears Mrs. A. C. Lederer, Jr. ; Mrs. McKinney gives review on Wednesday ; News maps on view at library ; Reviewers hear Mrs. Cullinane ; Mrs. Trenchkmann gives review on Wednesday ; House canvass to close book drive
Book collection Saturday to open Scout week here ; County Library corner of Vine and Broadway Sts. ; Victory Book campaign proves City is asleep, says committee hear ; "1943 Victory Book campaign" ; Victory book campaign now under way here ; Houston-Harris area Boy Scouts gathering books ; Mrs. Scott to give Wednesday review
La Porte-Bayshore Garden Club ; Reviwer members to hear Mrs. Clark ; Library extends loan on all books to 14 days ; Reference works added to library stock here ; County names new bookmobile aide ; Library branch in University Place will open Monday ; Mrs. Dawson gives Wednesday review ; Mrs. Stewart gives Wednesday review ; Book campaign ; Mrs. Lockhart reviews at Wednesday meeting ; 'Meanest Man' sends old papers in bookdrive ; New library branch to open
Victory Book campaign ; 12 libraries are book drive centers ; Expressmen are pushing Victory Book campaign ; Picture show party enjoyed ; Mrs. Hickerson gives review on Wednesday ; Send a book to war ; Library enlarged
Anniversary of Boy Scouts opens with book drive ; Many agencies join in campaign to collect books for servicemen ; Pelly club to offer Victory Book show
Nearly 3000 books given in drive here ; Librarian asks for more books for service men ; Stores will aid drive for books ; Mrs. Ilfrey reviews Ernie Pyle work ; REL students urged to give Victory book ; Humble view : your library ; Mrs. Snyder to give Wednesday review ; Book review club hears Mrs. Snyder ; WUP branch library opens ;
Kids real workers in Victory Book drive ; Reviewer club hears Mrs. J. A. Dinwiddie ; Book collection to be Saturday ; Library news ; Given your Victory book? ; Book week ; To keep is a good one to give ; Harris County Library, Cor. Vine and Broadway
Concerning the Victory Book campaign ; Book to be collection at schools, department stores ; Famous models in footlights show ; Library news ; Medical officer ; 'Book"movie for kids Saturday
Where are the books ; 119 books given for Pelly show ; Victory Book matinee at Texas on Saturday ; Book drive leaders sing "Praise Lord, pass New Edition" ; Book review club hears Mrs. Ilfrey ; Library notes ; Give a book
Mrs. Kollenberg to review on Wednesday ; Library notes ; Mrs. Kollenberg recent reviewer ; Mrs. Singleton gives Wednesday book review ; Mrs. B. B. Turner to review Saroyan novel ; Book reviewers meet at branch library ; List of books on current matters made available ; New books as library ; Schedule for Bookmobile given by library ; Reviewer club to hear Mrs. Spuhler ; Books tell how to improve war living condition ; Mrs. Lederer speaks to reviewer members ;
Reviewer club hears Mrs. Charles Boyer ; Mrs. McCall speaks to reviewer club ; Library news ; We have books ; Bookmobile schedule for week announced ; Mrs. Clark speaks to reviewer club ; Stop of Bookmobile for week announced ; Pasadena library news ; Mrs. Wood reviews for Wednesday club
Bookmobile to be laid up for repair ; Book reviewers plan annual guest day tea ; Tomball branch of the Harris County Public Library ; Tomball library ; Pelly library gets new books ; Bookmobile will resume its regular schedule Wednesday ; Tomball library has new books ; Harris County Library news ; Thirty new books in Goose Creek library ; Book review club hears Mrs. Armendt
Library birthday ; Between the book ends ; Pasadena library great assets to returning veterans ; Commission names new park board
Let's get acquainted ; Library benefit slated at Crosby ; Who owns Goose Creek Library building ; Library building finds new home, contract awarded ; Library repairs
County Library in existence 20 years ; City-County Library news ; La Porte Branch County Library new books listed ; Circulation of County Library shows big gains ; Book review club meets at library ; Reviewers hear Mrs. Kollenberg ; Story hour set ; Reviewer club meets Wednesday ; Mrs. McCulloch to give reviews ; Mrs. McCulloch is book reviewer ; Mrs. Typree conducts story hour today ; Reviewer club
County Library offers a number of reading chances to the rural farm people ; Harris County Library history ; American spirit revealed in fiction ; Miss Edithel Hargraves has moved the Pasadena Public Library ; Library to be moved August 21 ; Mrs. Lawrence Ross gives book review ; Shirer diary is reviewed at club
La Porte Branch Harris County Library ; Library news ; Miss McClary visits library ; Library has new books ; Library received new book ; New books for library ; Young readers receive diplomas ; Reviewer club hears Mrs. Bacon ; Mrs. Delmas Smith reviews "The Longhorn" ; Mrs. Echolas is book reviewer ; Mrs. Dawson gives review Wednesday
Dr. Brandstetter to speak here next Friday
Victory Book campaign ; 12 libraries are book drive centers ; Expressmen are pushing Victory Book campaign ; Picture show party enjoyed ; Mrs. Hickerson gives review on Wednesday ; Send a book to war ; Library enlarged
Nearly 3000 books given in drive here ; Librarian asks for more books for service men ; Stores will aid drive for books ; Mrs. Ilfrey reviews Ernie Pyle work ; REL students urged to give Victory book ; Humble view : your library ; Mrs. Snyder to give Wednesday review ; Book review club hears Mrs. Snyder ; WUP branch library opens ;
Kids real workers in Victory Book drive ; Reviewer club hears Mrs. J. A. Dinwiddie ; Book collection to be Saturday ; Library news ; Given your Victory book? ; Book week ; To keep is a good one to give ; Harris County Library, Cor. Vine and Broadway
Mrs. Kollenberg to review on Wednesday ; Library notes ; Mrs. Kollenberg recent reviewer ; Mrs. Singleton gives Wednesday book review ; Mrs. B. B. Turner to review Saroyan novel ; Book reviewers meet at branch library ; List of books on current matters made available ; New books as library ; Schedule for Bookmobile given by library ; Reviewer club to hear Mrs. Spuhler ; Books tell how to improve war living condition ; Mrs. Lederer speaks to reviewer members ;
Library circulation record broken ; Library news ; Humble garden club visits Russell Day Lily Farm ; New books at local library ; Library board holds meeting ; Library planned in north Harris ; Fairbanks book review ; County Bookmobile to start travels ; New books added to library shelves ; Howdy folks ; Library arranged in Berry School area ; County gives two holidays to employees ; Bookmobile vacation schedule announced ; Observe book week
Jacinto City Elementary School ; New books at library ; County Library's business here sag ; Many a nickle ;
County Library in existence 20 years ; City-County Library news ; La Porte Branch County Library new books listed ; Circulation of County Library shows big gains ; Book review club meets at library ; Reviewers hear Mrs. Kollenberg ; Story hour set ; Reviewer club meets Wednesday ; Mrs. McCulloch to give reviews ; Mrs. McCulloch is book reviewer ; Mrs. Typree conducts story hour today ; Reviewer club
County Library offers a number of reading chances to the rural farm people ; Harris County Library history ; American spirit revealed in fiction ; Miss Edithel Hargraves has moved the Pasadena Public Library ; Library to be moved August 21 ; Mrs. Lawrence Ross gives book review ; Shirer diary is reviewed at club
La Porte
County Library in existence 20 years ; City-County Library news ; La Porte Branch County Library new books listed ; Circulation of County Library shows big gains ; Book review club meets at library ; Reviewers hear Mrs. Kollenberg ; Story hour set ; Reviewer club meets Wednesday ; Mrs. McCulloch to give reviews ; Mrs. McCulloch is book reviewer ; Mrs. Typree conducts story hour today ; Reviewer club
County Library offers a number of reading chances to the rural farm people ; Harris County Library history ; American spirit revealed in fiction ; Miss Edithel Hargraves has moved the Pasadena Public Library ; Library to be moved August 21 ; Mrs. Lawrence Ross gives book review ; Shirer diary is reviewed at club
County Library celebrates 20th anniversary; Reviewers hear Mrs. T. H. Hale ; Mrs. H. M. Singleton gives book review ; Books designed to aid children in reading available ; La Porte Branch Harris County Library ; Children's story hour at library postponed ; Mrs. Tyree has story hour
Local library news ; Spring Branch pastor to be transferred ; La Porte Branch County Library
La Porte Branch Harris County Library ; Library news ; Miss McClary visits library ; Library has new books ; Library received new book ; New books for library ; Young readers receive diplomas ; Reviewer club hears Mrs. Bacon ; Mrs. Delmas Smith reviews "The Longhorn" ; Mrs. Echolas is book reviewer ; Mrs. Dawson gives review Wednesday
Many books needed in Victory campaign ; You can't go send a book ; La Porte and Seabrook aid in book drive ; Miss Ideson urges more books for Victory drive ; 10,000,000 books being sought for soldiers, sailors ; 100 books for service men ; La Porte and Seabrook aid in book drive
The gift of one book from everyone is goal set in this community ; Book from every citizen is goal in campaign here ; Victory Book drive ; All types of books requested ; More books needed for Victory campaign ; Reviewer to hear Mrs. Jones ; Book review members to hear Mrs. Hickerson
Book reviewers hear Mrs. W. F. Fitzsimmons ; Interesting books County Library circulates ; Book review club meets at library ; Library acquires many new books ; Book reviewers to hear Mrs. Turner ; Book review club hears Mrs. Tidemann ; Mrs. Kelly gives Wednesday review ; 'As the Seed is Sown' ; Ellington Field Library is given warship manual ; Reviewers to hear Mrs. Claude Davis ; Book review members hear Mrs. McCulloch ; Marriage announced
La Porte-Bayshore Garden Club ; Reviwer members to hear Mrs. Clark ; Library extends loan on all books to 14 days ; Reference works added to library stock here ; County names new bookmobile aide ; Library branch in University Place will open Monday ; Mrs. Dawson gives Wednesday review ; Mrs. Stewart gives Wednesday review ; Book campaign ; Mrs. Lockhart reviews at Wednesday meeting ; 'Meanest Man' sends old papers in bookdrive ; New library branch to open
Victory Book campaign ; 12 libraries are book drive centers ; Expressmen are pushing Victory Book campaign ; Picture show party enjoyed ; Mrs. Hickerson gives review on Wednesday ; Send a book to war ; Library enlarged
Mrs. Kollenberg to review on Wednesday ; Library notes ; Mrs. Kollenberg recent reviewer ; Mrs. Singleton gives Wednesday book review ; Mrs. B. B. Turner to review Saroyan novel ; Book reviewers meet at branch library ; List of books on current matters made available ; New books as library ; Schedule for Bookmobile given by library ; Reviewer club to hear Mrs. Spuhler ; Books tell how to improve war living condition ; Mrs. Lederer speaks to reviewer members ;
'Book-or-buck' goal reached as contributions total 1,000 other campaigns hit stride ; The first thousand ; Dance show benefit sit for library ; Story hour series starts today ; Donkey baseball game set Sunday ; Story hour every Wed. at library ;
North Houston Memorial
Library circulation record broken ; Library news ; Humble garden club visits Russell Day Lily Farm ; New books at local library ; Library board holds meeting ; Library planned in north Harris ; Fairbanks book review ; County Bookmobile to start travels ; New books added to library shelves ; Howdy folks ; Library arranged in Berry School area ; County gives two holidays to employees ; Bookmobile vacation schedule announced ; Observe book week
Jacinto City Elementary School ; New books at library ; County Library's business here sag ; Many a nickle ;
Library book drive gaining more support as League and VFW ladies become active ; books still asked ; Pasadena branch, County Library, has 2,487 books
Book drive continues to draw generous gifts from interested public as halfway mark passed ; Library notes ; Library drive goal nearly reached ; Spurt
Library acquired for North Houston aera ; Clauder secures ranch-type home for area's books ; Library scoreboard
53 books needed in citizen drive; library society announces names of many contributors, supporters ; One more push ; Farrington Civic Club announces election of officers for 1948; new group urges WCID attendance ; Popular books, for young and old, are not available at library here ; Texsa authors gather for arts festival ;
'Book-or-buck' goal reached as contributions total 1,000 other campaigns hit stride ; The first thousand ; Dance show benefit sit for library ; Story hour series starts today ; Donkey baseball game set Sunday ; Story hour every Wed. at library ;
Library gets new donations ; Garden Villas library well organized and equipped ; North Houston library asks big gift ; Local man gives religious books for new library ; Pre-school story hour Wednesday
215 books acquired by library ; Small but friendly, the Garden Villas library serves entire community ; 30 children hear P.-T.A.'s story hour ; West University Library now open
Gas co. gives to library ; Library society on KTHT Wednesday ; To honor a name ; Check to cover moving building ; Childrens story hour will be held today ; Story hours for pre-school children will begin June 2 at Memorial building
Attractive library on Corbindale Road ; Mihailovitch
Envelope addressed to Mrs. Reba Anderson, Librarian
Benefit show for the North Houston Library, cover
Benefit show for the North Houston Library, pages 1-2
Benefit show for the North Houston Library, pages 3-4
Benefit show for the North Houston Library, pages 5-6
Benefit show for the North Houston Library, pages 7-8
Benefit show for the North Houston Library, pages 9-10
Meeting to study recreation for soliders called ; "Little bird" ; Books on Mexico are available at library here ; Health, diet books available ; Library making drive for books for camps ; Annual Guest Day ; Review Club's Guest Day is held Friday ; Book collection set for May 4 ; County Library's book circulation up 10 per cent
Books for soliders ; Texans urged to aid in securing better libraries ; Library to have Lions Club shelf ; Book review ; Children's Reading Club is now open ; New books in the Pasadena Library ; Stereoptican volumes are added to library ; County aid asked to build Harris Farm Center ; Pasadena Library to start Reading Club
County Library offers a number of reading chances to the rural farm people ; Harris County Library history ; American spirit revealed in fiction ; Miss Edithel Hargraves has moved the Pasadena Public Library ; Library to be moved August 21 ; Mrs. Lawrence Ross gives book review ; Shirer diary is reviewed at club
La Porte Branch Harris County Library ; Library news ; Miss McClary visits library ; Library has new books ; Library received new book ; New books for library ; Young readers receive diplomas ; Reviewer club hears Mrs. Bacon ; Mrs. Delmas Smith reviews "The Longhorn" ; Mrs. Echolas is book reviewer ; Mrs. Dawson gives review Wednesday
Library News, by Ethel Hargrave, Librarian ; National Book and Library Week to be observed here
National Book Week will be observed here ; Librarian reviews recent biography ; County Library, Librarian Ethel Hargraves ; Book review club hears Mrs. Armendt ; Book review clubs hear Houstonian ; Open house ; South Houston Library holds open house ; Many visit library during Book Week ; Proclamation ; Reviewers hear Mrs. Lee Tag ; Mrs. F. J. Spuhler gives book review ; Book review club will have business meeting ; Lions book shelf volumes obtained ; Reviewers hear Mrs. G. W. Wilson
Librarain is P.T.A. speaker ; Children invited to get library cards ; Mrs. Armendt named review club head ; Bill of Rights display ready at library here ; Library news ; Library books for Thanksgiving reading offered ; Mrs. Chatfield is book review ; Mrs. Trenchmann gives book review ; Reviewer members hear Mrs. Webber ; Reviewers hear Mrs. E. T. Bacon ; Library News
LIbrary news ; Review members elect Mrs. Webber ; Mrs. Don S. Freese gives book review ; Book review members to hear Mrs. Larkins ; Book review club hears Mrs. Snyder ; Mrs. Larkins gives Wednesday review ; Library subscribes to series of maps ; Mrs. Abe Rosenzweig to give book review ; Students become literary minded ; The reviewer club hears "Tortilla Flat" ; Book review club meets at library ; Mrs. Johnson gives review of Buck novel ; Harris County Library Pasadena branch ; Book review club hears Mrs. Hall ; Review given by Mrs. C.K. Scott ; Book review club hears Mrs. Ilfrey
The gift of one book from everyone is goal set in this community ; Book from every citizen is goal in campaign here ; Victory Book drive ; All types of books requested ; More books needed for Victory campaign ; Reviewer to hear Mrs. Jones ; Book review members to hear Mrs. Hickerson
Variety of books are requested ; Library signs 10,000th patron ; Library offered for war effort meetings ; Read good books, save pennies, tires ; Librarians have vital role in war work, says official ; Role of libraries in war effort is studied ; Book review club meets on Wednesday ; Reviewer members hear Mrs. Ross ; New books received at local library ; Branch stations are opened by library here ; Mrs. Singleton gives review on Wednesday
Book reviewers hear Mrs. W. F. Fitzsimmons ; Interesting books County Library circulates ; Book review club meets at library ; Library acquires many new books ; Book reviewers to hear Mrs. Turner ; Book review club hears Mrs. Tidemann ; Mrs. Kelly gives Wednesday review ; 'As the Seed is Sown' ; Ellington Field Library is given warship manual ; Reviewers to hear Mrs. Claude Davis ; Book review members hear Mrs. McCulloch ; Marriage announced
Kids real workers in Victory Book drive ; Reviewer club hears Mrs. J. A. Dinwiddie ; Book collection to be Saturday ; Library news ; Given your Victory book? ; Book week ; To keep is a good one to give ; Harris County Library, Cor. Vine and Broadway
Concerning the Victory Book campaign ; Book to be collection at schools, department stores ; Famous models in footlights show ; Library news ; Medical officer ; 'Book"movie for kids Saturday
Reviewer club hears Mrs. Charles Boyer ; Mrs. McCall speaks to reviewer club ; Library news ; We have books ; Bookmobile schedule for week announced ; Mrs. Clark speaks to reviewer club ; Stop of Bookmobile for week announced ; Pasadena library news ; Mrs. Wood reviews for Wednesday club
Bookmobile to be laid up for repair ; Book reviewers plan annual guest day tea ; Tomball branch of the Harris County Public Library ; Tomball library ; Pelly library gets new books ; Bookmobile will resume its regular schedule Wednesday ; Tomball library has new books ; Harris County Library news ; Thirty new books in Goose Creek library ; Book review club hears Mrs. Armendt
Library birthday ; Between the book ends ; Pasadena library great assets to returning veterans ; Commission names new park board
Local library book-lending business booms ; County library to be improved ; As The Post saw it ; Library building plans tentative ; Young announced ; Summer reading club planned by library ; Pasadena plans library building
Let's get acquainted ; Library benefit slated at Crosby ; Who owns Goose Creek Library building ; Library building finds new home, contract awarded ; Library repairs
Library has new books to lend ; Library shifted to temporary quarters in school building ; Book circulation off 50 percent, librarian states ; Program from a Tom Thumb wedding at the Crosby Library
Library building plans shaping, Council advised ; Council to decide Monday on library building plan ; City may purchase memorial building from war veterans ; Pasadena buys memorial from veterans for use as library ; South Houston library open to public two day a week ; City clears way to buy building from vet group ; Badly battered proposal for library building strikes a snag, but hurdle may be cleared ; Pasadena cancels library contract ; Pasadena to keep library in arcade
Jacinto City Elementary School ; New books at library ; County Library's business here sag ; Many a nickle ;
Library book drive gaining more support as League and VFW ladies become active ; books still asked ; Pasadena branch, County Library, has 2,487 books
Book drive continues to draw generous gifts from interested public as halfway mark passed ; Library notes ; Library drive goal nearly reached ; Spurt
53 books needed in citizen drive; library society announces names of many contributors, supporters ; One more push ; Farrington Civic Club announces election of officers for 1948; new group urges WCID attendance ; Popular books, for young and old, are not available at library here ; Texsa authors gather for arts festival ;
'Book-or-buck' goal reached as contributions total 1,000 other campaigns hit stride ; The first thousand ; Dance show benefit sit for library ; Story hour series starts today ; Donkey baseball game set Sunday ; Story hour every Wed. at library ;
Library gets new donations ; Garden Villas library well organized and equipped ; North Houston library asks big gift ; Local man gives religious books for new library ; Pre-school story hour Wednesday
215 books acquired by library ; Small but friendly, the Garden Villas library serves entire community ; 30 children hear P.-T.A.'s story hour ; West University Library now open
Gas co. gives to library ; Library society on KTHT Wednesday ; To honor a name ; Check to cover moving building ; Childrens story hour will be held today ; Story hours for pre-school children will begin June 2 at Memorial building
In sending books to Army remember you wouldn't give stubs for cigarets ; Give a book ; Victory book campaign seeks 10,000,000 books for soldiers ; Save your books
Reviewer club meets at Goose Creek library ; Book Revew club elects Mrs. Larkins ; Mrs. Chatfield gives Wednesday book review ; Reviewer club to sponsor review-tea ; Book review club hears Mrs. Hale ; Reviewer club members hear Mrs. J. J. Savelli ; Reviewer club hears Mrs. Clyde Fuller ; Mrs. Cullinane to give Jan. 6 review ; Book review club to hear Mrs. Hall ; Mrs. Shewell to become librarian here Jan. 1 ; Victory book drives announced ; Reviewer club hears Mrs. A. C. Lederer, Jr. ; Mrs. McKinney gives review on Wednesday ; News maps on view at library ; Reviewers hear Mrs. Cullinane ; Mrs. Trenchkmann gives review on Wednesday ; House canvass to close book drive
Anniversary of Boy Scouts opens with book drive ; Many agencies join in campaign to collect books for servicemen ; Pelly club to offer Victory Book show
Where are the books ; 119 books given for Pelly show ; Victory Book matinee at Texas on Saturday ; Book drive leaders sing "Praise Lord, pass New Edition" ; Book review club hears Mrs. Ilfrey ; Library notes ; Give a book
Bookmobile to be laid up for repair ; Book reviewers plan annual guest day tea ; Tomball branch of the Harris County Public Library ; Tomball library ; Pelly library gets new books ; Bookmobile will resume its regular schedule Wednesday ; Tomball library has new books ; Harris County Library news ; Thirty new books in Goose Creek library ; Book review club hears Mrs. Armendt
Many books needed in Victory campaign ; You can't go send a book ; La Porte and Seabrook aid in book drive ; Miss Ideson urges more books for Victory drive ; 10,000,000 books being sought for soldiers, sailors ; 100 books for service men ; La Porte and Seabrook aid in book drive
South Houston
County Library in existence 20 years ; City-County Library news ; La Porte Branch County Library new books listed ; Circulation of County Library shows big gains ; Book review club meets at library ; Reviewers hear Mrs. Kollenberg ; Story hour set ; Reviewer club meets Wednesday ; Mrs. McCulloch to give reviews ; Mrs. McCulloch is book reviewer ; Mrs. Typree conducts story hour today ; Reviewer club
County Library offers a number of reading chances to the rural farm people ; Harris County Library history ; American spirit revealed in fiction ; Miss Edithel Hargraves has moved the Pasadena Public Library ; Library to be moved August 21 ; Mrs. Lawrence Ross gives book review ; Shirer diary is reviewed at club
National Book Week will be observed here ; Librarian reviews recent biography ; County Library, Librarian Ethel Hargraves ; Book review club hears Mrs. Armendt ; Book review clubs hear Houstonian ; Open house ; South Houston Library holds open house ; Many visit library during Book Week ; Proclamation ; Reviewers hear Mrs. Lee Tag ; Mrs. F. J. Spuhler gives book review ; Book review club will have business meeting ; Lions book shelf volumes obtained ; Reviewers hear Mrs. G. W. Wilson
Library building plans shaping, Council advised ; Council to decide Monday on library building plan ; City may purchase memorial building from war veterans ; Pasadena buys memorial from veterans for use as library ; South Houston library open to public two day a week ; City clears way to buy building from vet group ; Badly battered proposal for library building strikes a snag, but hurdle may be cleared ; Pasadena cancels library contract ; Pasadena to keep library in arcade
Spring Branch
Local library news ; Spring Branch pastor to be transferred ; La Porte Branch County Library
Attractive library on Corbindale Road ; Mihailovitch
La Porte Branch Harris County Library ; Library news ; Miss McClary visits library ; Library has new books ; Library received new book ; New books for library ; Young readers receive diplomas ; Reviewer club hears Mrs. Bacon ; Mrs. Delmas Smith reviews "The Longhorn" ; Mrs. Echolas is book reviewer ; Mrs. Dawson gives review Wednesday
Bookmobile to be laid up for repair ; Book reviewers plan annual guest day tea ; Tomball branch of the Harris County Public Library ; Tomball library ; Pelly library gets new books ; Bookmobile will resume its regular schedule Wednesday ; Tomball library has new books ; Harris County Library news ; Thirty new books in Goose Creek library ; Book review club hears Mrs. Armendt
Victory Book Campaign
Victory book campaign ; Deposit centers for victory book drive announced ; "Victory book" campaign to be started Monday ; Victory book campaign opens ; County libraries join book drive ; Soldiers invited to detail book needs
In sending books to Army remember you wouldn't give stubs for cigarets ; Give a book ; Victory book campaign seeks 10,000,000 books for soldiers ; Save your books
Books enlisted here for soldiers ; Boy Scouts aid in soldier book drive ; East End people asked to contribute books for soldiers ; Collections of books for troops to start Monday ; Book from every person sought in campaign for USO ; Goose Creek stores seek Victory bonds
Many books needed in Victory campaign ; You can't go send a book ; La Porte and Seabrook aid in book drive ; Miss Ideson urges more books for Victory drive ; 10,000,000 books being sought for soldiers, sailors ; 100 books for service men ; La Porte and Seabrook aid in book drive
Houstonians respond warmly to Victory Book campaign ; Ellington FIeld receives books ; Victory Book campaign success ; State director of Victory Book drive cites needs ; Victory Book Campaign ; Books collected here hauled to Ellington Field ; Marine praises Victory Gook campaign
The gift of one book from everyone is goal set in this community ; Book from every citizen is goal in campaign here ; Victory Book drive ; All types of books requested ; More books needed for Victory campaign ; Reviewer to hear Mrs. Jones ; Book review members to hear Mrs. Hickerson
Variety of books are requested ; Library signs 10,000th patron ; Library offered for war effort meetings ; Read good books, save pennies, tires ; Librarians have vital role in war work, says official ; Role of libraries in war effort is studied ; Book review club meets on Wednesday ; Reviewer members hear Mrs. Ross ; New books received at local library ; Branch stations are opened by library here ; Mrs. Singleton gives review on Wednesday
Book reviewers hear Mrs. W. F. Fitzsimmons ; Interesting books County Library circulates ; Book review club meets at library ; Library acquires many new books ; Book reviewers to hear Mrs. Turner ; Book review club hears Mrs. Tidemann ; Mrs. Kelly gives Wednesday review ; 'As the Seed is Sown' ; Ellington Field Library is given warship manual ; Reviewers to hear Mrs. Claude Davis ; Book review members hear Mrs. McCulloch ; Marriage announced
Book collection Saturday to open Scout week here ; County Library corner of Vine and Broadway Sts. ; Victory Book campaign proves City is asleep, says committee hear ; "1943 Victory Book campaign" ; Victory book campaign now under way here ; Houston-Harris area Boy Scouts gathering books ; Mrs. Scott to give Wednesday review
La Porte-Bayshore Garden Club ; Reviwer members to hear Mrs. Clark ; Library extends loan on all books to 14 days ; Reference works added to library stock here ; County names new bookmobile aide ; Library branch in University Place will open Monday ; Mrs. Dawson gives Wednesday review ; Mrs. Stewart gives Wednesday review ; Book campaign ; Mrs. Lockhart reviews at Wednesday meeting ; 'Meanest Man' sends old papers in bookdrive ; New library branch to open
Victory Book campaign ; 12 libraries are book drive centers ; Expressmen are pushing Victory Book campaign ; Picture show party enjoyed ; Mrs. Hickerson gives review on Wednesday ; Send a book to war ; Library enlarged
Anniversary of Boy Scouts opens with book drive ; Many agencies join in campaign to collect books for servicemen ; Pelly club to offer Victory Book show
Nearly 3000 books given in drive here ; Librarian asks for more books for service men ; Stores will aid drive for books ; Mrs. Ilfrey reviews Ernie Pyle work ; REL students urged to give Victory book ; Humble view : your library ; Mrs. Snyder to give Wednesday review ; Book review club hears Mrs. Snyder ; WUP branch library opens ;
Kids real workers in Victory Book drive ; Reviewer club hears Mrs. J. A. Dinwiddie ; Book collection to be Saturday ; Library news ; Given your Victory book? ; Book week ; To keep is a good one to give ; Harris County Library, Cor. Vine and Broadway
Concerning the Victory Book campaign ; Book to be collection at schools, department stores ; Famous models in footlights show ; Library news ; Medical officer ; 'Book"movie for kids Saturday
Where are the books ; 119 books given for Pelly show ; Victory Book matinee at Texas on Saturday ; Book drive leaders sing "Praise Lord, pass New Edition" ; Book review club hears Mrs. Ilfrey ; Library notes ; Give a book
Mrs. Kollenberg to review on Wednesday ; Library notes ; Mrs. Kollenberg recent reviewer ; Mrs. Singleton gives Wednesday book review ; Mrs. B. B. Turner to review Saroyan novel ; Book reviewers meet at branch library ; List of books on current matters made available ; New books as library ; Schedule for Bookmobile given by library ; Reviewer club to hear Mrs. Spuhler ; Books tell how to improve war living condition ; Mrs. Lederer speaks to reviewer members ;
West University
Librarain is P.T.A. speaker ; Children invited to get library cards ; Mrs. Armendt named review club head ; Bill of Rights display ready at library here ; Library news ; Library books for Thanksgiving reading offered ; Mrs. Chatfield is book review ; Mrs. Trenchmann gives book review ; Reviewer members hear Mrs. Webber ; Reviewers hear Mrs. E. T. Bacon ; Library News
Book reviewers hear Mrs. W. F. Fitzsimmons ; Interesting books County Library circulates ; Book review club meets at library ; Library acquires many new books ; Book reviewers to hear Mrs. Turner ; Book review club hears Mrs. Tidemann ; Mrs. Kelly gives Wednesday review ; 'As the Seed is Sown' ; Ellington Field Library is given warship manual ; Reviewers to hear Mrs. Claude Davis ; Book review members hear Mrs. McCulloch ; Marriage announced
La Porte-Bayshore Garden Club ; Reviwer members to hear Mrs. Clark ; Library extends loan on all books to 14 days ; Reference works added to library stock here ; County names new bookmobile aide ; Library branch in University Place will open Monday ; Mrs. Dawson gives Wednesday review ; Mrs. Stewart gives Wednesday review ; Book campaign ; Mrs. Lockhart reviews at Wednesday meeting ; 'Meanest Man' sends old papers in bookdrive ; New library branch to open
Nearly 3000 books given in drive here ; Librarian asks for more books for service men ; Stores will aid drive for books ; Mrs. Ilfrey reviews Ernie Pyle work ; REL students urged to give Victory book ; Humble view : your library ; Mrs. Snyder to give Wednesday review ; Book review club hears Mrs. Snyder ; WUP branch library opens ;
Book Week ; Book Week Observance set ; Community House again home for branch library ; "Image of Josephine," Tarkington novel, praised by Times reviewer ; Dumbarton Oaks talks set ; "The Scarlet Lily" proves soothing war-time reading
Miss Julia Ideson, City Librarian for 42 years, dies ; Julia Ideson ; Service set today for Miss Ideson ; Book review ; Miss Schnitzer named acting library ; Joe comes home to fight again in "Coming Home" ;
Library birthday ; Between the book ends ; Pasadena library great assets to returning veterans ; Commission names new park board
Local library book-lending business booms ; County library to be improved ; As The Post saw it ; Library building plans tentative ; Young announced ; Summer reading club planned by library ; Pasadena plans library building
Let's get acquainted ; Library benefit slated at Crosby ; Who owns Goose Creek Library building ; Library building finds new home, contract awarded ; Library repairs
215 books acquired by library ; Small but friendly, the Garden Villas library serves entire community ; 30 children hear P.-T.A.'s story hour ; West University Library now open