- Title
- Harris County Public Library scrapbook, 1934-1937
- Description
- Scrapbook containing newspaper articles about events and updates at various Harris County Public Library branches, focusing on Goose Creek, La Porte, South Houston, and the budget issues the library faced during the mid-1930s in the middle of the Great Depression.
- Date Original
- 1934 - 1937
- Branches and Locations
- ["Baytown Mexican School","White Oak School","Webster","Alief","Crosby Edith Fae Cook Cole","Fairbanks","Aldine School","La Porte","Garden Villas","Goose Creek Colored School","Humble Colored School","Seabrook","Pelly","Independence Colored School","Clinton School","Goose Creek","South Houston","Humble","La Porte Colored School Library","Houston Gardens","Bookmobile","Central Office","Galena Park"]
- Baytown Mexican School
- White Oak School
- Webster
- Alief
- Crosby Edith Fae Cook Cole
- Fairbanks
- Aldine School
- La Porte
- Garden Villas
- Goose Creek Colored School
- Humble Colored School
- Seabrook
- Pelly
- Independence Colored School
- Clinton School
- Goose Creek
- South Houston
- Humble
- La Porte Colored School Library
- Houston Gardens
- Bookmobile
- Central Office
- Galena Park
- Type
- ["scrapbook"]
- Subject
- ["American Library Association (ALA)","Children's Programming","Segregated Schools","Christmas","Statistics","Story Time","Reba Anderson","Texas Library Association (TLA)","Elnora Edgar Buchanan","Schools","Schools as Library Locations","Library Directors","English as a Second Language (ESL) Programs","Bookmobiles","Budgets","University of Texas","HCPL Staff","Technology in the Library","Art in the Library","Anniversaries","Open Houses","Puppet Shows","Ruth Underwood Pooley","Circulation and Delivery"]
- American Library Association (ALA)
- Children's Programming
- Segregated Schools
- Christmas
- Statistics
- Story Time
- Reba Anderson
- Texas Library Association (TLA)
- Elnora Edgar Buchanan
- Schools
- Schools as Library Locations
- Library Directors
- English as a Second Language (ESL) Programs
- Bookmobiles
- Budgets
- University of Texas
- HCPL Staff
- Technology in the Library
- Art in the Library
- Anniversaries
- Open Houses
- Puppet Shows
- Ruth Underwood Pooley
- Circulation and Delivery
Harris County Public Library scrapbook, 1934-1937
Aldine School
Baytown Mexican School
Camp Allen
Camp Sterling
Central Office
Garden Villas
Goose Creek
Goose Creek Colored School
Houston Gardens
La Porte
La Porte Colored School
Mount Houston
South Houston

] Branches of County Institu¬
tion Serve as Meeting
Places For Religious, Pol¬
itical and Social Groups.
Branch libraries of the Harris
County Public Library are active
community centers. Aside from the
hundreds of book? that are cir¬
culated from each monthly, the
buildings or rooms are used for
meetings, religious, social and po¬
The libraries at La Porte and
Pelly are busy centers during the
week in their natural roles as libra¬
ries. On Sunday each is used as a
Sunday school classroom. And it
is not only on Sunday that the
Pelly library serves a dual role. The
large, airy library room in the city
hall often becomes the council
chamber for the city council or the
Harhitratlon room for the "meat
choppers" and other business men
wlio meet to fix prices.
The Humble branch library re¬
sides in an unpretentious room in
the Humble court house between
the jail and the court room. If
there is no court, doors are thrown
■ open, a rolling bookshelf and the
librarian's desk are moved into the
icourt room and books replace the
Sboom of the court.
о о о
This Is believed to be the only
combination of court and public li¬
brary in the country. The library
becomes the official ballot room on
election day and is a center of ac¬
The library station at Garden
Villas was once a real estate office.
A library sign replaced the real
estate one; the Interior was trans¬
formed with book shelves and cab¬
inets, tables and chairs. Then
books lined the walls and the build¬
ing became a library and com¬
munity meeting place. Each Tues¬
day evening the library is alive
. with boys and girls to get books
and to read and also to see and
meet everyone else. The library is
the only community center in the
' addition.
The Fairbanks library is truly a
Community center. The small white
frame building which houses the
library waa built and painted by
the citizens of Fairbanks. Clean¬
up days are community affairs. A
sturdy man. several busy mothers
and numerous children, plus a li¬
brarian or two from the central of¬
fice. rake and cut the grass, trim
fyok Review Club
Robert Nathan’s “Roaa of Ages”,
tlescribed as “a realistic fantasty
described as “a realistic fantasy
to the Gobi Desert”, was reviewed
by Mrs. Brad Armendt at a meet¬
ing of Book Review club held Tues- ..
day in the clubroom at the library.
Members present were Mrs.
E. Marshall, Mrs. C. W. Moore,
Mrs. J. L. Echols, Mrs. H. H. Ech¬
ols, Jr., Mbs. Anne C. McCulloch, ‘
Mrs. Walter Rundell, Mrs. W. K.
Puderbaugh, Miss Ruth Selkirk,'
Mrs. F. R. Treadway, Mrs. G. A.
Lillie and Mrs. Armendt.
The next meeting will be on f
April 16 when Mrs. Puderbaugh
will review James Hilton’s “Lost
shrubs, repair a broken gate, re¬
paint the interior.
о о о
Community Meetings.
Clubs of the community use the
library regularly for their meet- j
lngs. and when funds are needed;
for the library building, "every¬
one'1 cornea to the library for a
silver tea and lawn party.
The Crosby branch of the Harris
County Public Library attained its
first building through community
co-operation. A deserted filling '
station was donated, as well as '
funds for paint, lumber and win- j*
dow panes. The ginner allowed
the building to be moved on tue ^
corner of his lot. and the work of
rejuvenation began on the build- ".
ing. An interested, civic-minded
man gave his services to build,
paint and repair according to ihe
librarian's plans. The "smallest
library in the world" came into
being and today it is the pride of
that community, and is a busy snot '
every day that it Is open for read¬
о о о
Largent Branch.
The largest of the branch libra- -
ries is at Goose Creek, and it is
always a center of community ac- i
tlvlty. Little theatre groups meet
for casting and clubs meet to plan
programs. The annual tree of light
on the library lawn brings people
from all the adjacent towns, and
Is one of the big community events
of the season.
The 63 branches and stations of
the Harris County Public Library
are vital forces In the small towns
and rural sections of Harris Coun¬
ty. Miss Elnora Edgar is county -
"Bookwagon" of county library gives valuable service in rural area ; Reading club drills
County librarian helps to find answers to questions ranging from politics to name for baby ; County library volume gains ; Greek children learn to read English and show accomplishment to librarian
Library gives free trips to Europe, jobless man's wife finds as she reads ; Texas presented to world in pictorial panorama in official centennial map ; It might be so
Library gives free trips to Europe, jobless man's wife finds as she reads ; Texas presented to world in pictorial panorama in official centennial map ; It might be so
New Huffman school is last one in county with one room and one teacher ; Library club to be formed here ; Librarians to meet ; Librarian reports to commissioners
County librarian reports need to replace old books ; Texas libraries pay tribute to Andrew Carnegie who gave liberally to many libraries ; Louisiana library officer to be guest in city Wednesday ; Library advisor sees county units
National Book Week programs gain attention ; National Book Week will be observed here ; Houston Library Club meeting set ; Library club will meet Friday night ; Library reports large circulation
Quiet Houston lawyer, father of countywide library system, buried ; Resolution adopted on attorney's death ; Resolutions on attorney's death drawn up by bar ; County is reading up on centennial
"Father of county library's" memory will live through work he started
Book review club ; 1934 circulation of library gains 12,000 books in 35 ; Parnassus club
Rare view of early Texas harbor
County library schedules will change this week ; Library-aid plank will be urged on county candidates ; Librarian asks for state aid ; Move for state library funds supported here
Book review and luncheon ; Treasure hunt set at library ; Book review plans are now complete ; 53 are awarded library honors
Aldine School
County library maps program ; County library plans program ; Story hour to be held at library ; Plan puppet show ; County library facilities serve many purposes ; Circulation at library drops ; Book review club
Four communities lead county in use of library books ; Pasadena library will observe its 14th anniversary ; County library plays big part in centennial ; Harris County Library answers many requests for information regarding centennial of Texas
Baytown Mexican School
Mexicans, Japanese and Negroes among groups county library serves ; Pelly library show date set ; Book review club
County library schedules will change this week ; Library stations hunting new homes as school term ends; new "wagon route" started ; Library plans treasure hunt for children ; La Porte library hours increased
Book review club ; Negro, Mexican libraries open ; South Houston vacation club proves popular ; Reading club for children meets ; La Porte library activity reveals Bayshore active
"Rolling library" ; Library plans for Highlands gaining favor ; Pelly library to have story hour ; Circulation at library gains ; "Treasure hunt" at La Porte library ; Review Green Gates ; Winners in summer reading work named
County library reports gain in circulation, Library on wheels ; Juvenile book show planned ; Parnassus party
Eagerly-awaited books carried to remote farming areas - featuring photograph of Elnora Edgar, Leonard Stowe, Johnnie Pace and Hazel Pace
County library gives rural areas service
Residents in far corners of county enjoy reading offered by county library bookmobile
"Bookmobile" needed ; New library to be built at Highlands ; Child books on today and yesteryear about same
Elnora Edgar, Librarian, Harris County Library
Library on wheels ready to roll
Bookmobile is proving popular ; Bookmobile staff gives wide choice
Camp Allen
Many new volumes are seen at Harris County Public Library ; Fewer books are borrowed ; Library circulation drops for quarter
County library schedules will change this week ; Library stations hunting new homes as school term ends; new "wagon route" started ; Library plans treasure hunt for children ; La Porte library hours increased
Camp Sterling
Many new volumes are seen at Harris County Public Library ; Fewer books are borrowed ; Library circulation drops for quarter
Books on outdoor life make strong appearl to patrons of Harris County library ; 14 children attend library story hour ; Branch library to get own building ; Parnassus club ; County Commissioners to visit libraries ; Book review club ; Readers at local library increase ; Story hour is held for tots at library ; Books are revised
Summer reading keeps librarian in county active ; Goose Creek library gains ; Library here is closed for day ; Officials view county library expansion plan ; Miss Mason to conduct story hour Saturday ; Goose Creek library plans anniversary ; Goose Creek library to hold aniversary
County library schedules will change this week ; Library stations hunting new homes as school term ends; new "wagon route" started ; Library plans treasure hunt for children ; La Porte library hours increased
Central Office
County library service due for great expansion, woman adviser declares ; Jap art displayed at county library ; Library adviser studies unit here
County library records gains ; Sketch of County Court House
Libraries are centers for communities ; Book review club
Books on outdoor life make strong appearl to patrons of Harris County library ; 14 children attend library story hour ; Branch library to get own building ; Parnassus club ; County Commissioners to visit libraries ; Book review club ; Readers at local library increase ; Story hour is held for tots at library ; Books are revised
Summer reading keeps librarian in county active ; Goose Creek library gains ; Library here is closed for day ; Officials view county library expansion plan ; Miss Mason to conduct story hour Saturday ; Goose Creek library plans anniversary ; Goose Creek library to hold aniversary
County library gives rural areas service
Libraries are centers for communities ; Book review club
Japanese block print exhibit set at library ; South Houston library shows book increase ; Three of lights program is given ; Tree of light to be dedicated ; Tree of light is dedicated here ; Puppet shows given by library branches
Garden Villas
Book review club ; Book review given by Mrs. Echols ; Garden Villas show planned by group in county library ; Parnassus reading club ; Parnassus club meets
Libraries are centers for communities ; Book review club
Rural schools' cloding means moving time for county public library ; Increase seen in La Porte library April circulation ; Garden Villas show planned by group in county library ; To register borrowers at library ; Puppet show to be given
County library maps program ; County library plans program ; Story hour to be held at library ; Plan puppet show ; County library facilities serve many purposes ; Circulation at library drops ; Book review club
Garden Villas show planned by group in County library ; La Porte library circulation shows increase for May ; County library's circulation gains ; La Porte library change of hours ; Reading club meets ; Book review club ; Story hour at local library ; Book review Tuesday ; Parnassus club
Circulation of library drops ; Bayshore Garden Club will beautify grounds ; Library offers books on history of early Texas ; Library shows book decrease ; La Porte library branch to open six days weekly ; Three branch libraries to be open hour longer ; Chester Bryan to talk
Many new volumes are seen at Harris County Public Library ; Fewer books are borrowed ; Library circulation drops for quarter
County library reports gain in circulation, Library on wheels ; Juvenile book show planned ; Parnassus party
Goose Creek
Parnassus reading club ; Story telling hour scheduled ; Circulation at library is high ; Book week will feature hobbies and story hour; Sun slants ; Library shows child hobbies
Library has 90 for story hour ; Book review group meets at library ; Tree of light at library planned ; Parnassus reading club
Tree at library to be dedicated in Thursday rite ; Book review is given club by Mrs. Mayer ; Yule spirit to start in full swing ; Throngs attend lighting of tree ; Parnassus club
La Porte book distribution shows increase ; County library asks $24,500, of $7,000 increase ; County library report is made ; Parnassus club ; The County Library
Harris County Library makes good showing ; County library report is made ; SOS for missing books sent out ; Local library leads county ; Book review club
Harris County Library makes good showing ; County library report is made ; SOS for missing books sent out ; Local library leads county ; Book review club
Book review club ; Book review given by Mrs. Echols ; Garden Villas show planned by group in county library ; Parnassus reading club ; Parnassus club meets
Circulation of library jumps ; New librarian named in Pelly ; Massey portrait to be unveiled Wednesday ; Parnassus club ; Story telling hour will be held Saturday ; County library book circulation shows February decrease ; Reading club meets ; Review Phantom Crown ; Story hour at library held ; Club plans program
Library gets many requests for books on flowers and vegetables from over country ; Parnassus club ; Book review club
Libraries are centers for communities ; Book review club
Mexicans, Japanese and Negroes among groups county library serves ; Pelly library show date set ; Book review club
County library maps program ; County library plans program ; Story hour to be held at library ; Plan puppet show ; County library facilities serve many purposes ; Circulation at library drops ; Book review club
Garden Villas show planned by group in County library ; La Porte library circulation shows increase for May ; County library's circulation gains ; La Porte library change of hours ; Reading club meets ; Book review club ; Story hour at local library ; Book review Tuesday ; Parnassus club
Houston Gardens to get library branch ; 34 children attend library story hour ; Miles for books ; Houston 20 years ago ; New edition of Texas Libraries Handbook issued ; County librarian on state committee
Many new volumes are seen at Harris County Public Library ; Fewer books are borrowed ; Library circulation drops for quarter
Books on outdoor life make strong appearl to patrons of Harris County library ; 14 children attend library story hour ; Branch library to get own building ; Parnassus club ; County Commissioners to visit libraries ; Book review club ; Readers at local library increase ; Story hour is held for tots at library ; Books are revised
Summer reading keeps librarian in county active ; Goose Creek library gains ; Library here is closed for day ; Officials view county library expansion plan ; Miss Mason to conduct story hour Saturday ; Goose Creek library plans anniversary ; Goose Creek library to hold aniversary
R.S. Sterling to talk at Goose Creek ; South Houston plan library ; South Houston library home to be erected ; Library proposed at South Houston ; Plans approved for new library
Goose Creek branch of county library to hold anniversary open house ; Public is invited to library celebration ; Art work shown in library here ; Goose Creek library to hold anniversary ; Library founded here June 1921
Generosity and hard work gave Goose Creek library that is pride of citizens ; Sun slants ; Children act story at local library ; Local library to fete birthday
Library building here is 10 years old Wednesday ; Library here to fete decade of work tomorrow ; Book on Negro conditions is given review ; Reading contest to close on Saturday ; Library check system altered
Library building here is 10 years old Wednesday ; Library here to fete decade of work tomorrow ; Book on Negro conditions is given review ; Reading contest to close on Saturday ; Library check system altered ; Goose Creek branch library to observe tenth anniversary
Goose Creek library's tenth birthday will be celebrated with open house Wednesday ; Library fete to be held tonight ; Parnassus club ; Play house planned ; Children's hour at library on Saturday
Goose Creek library's tenth birthday will be celebrated with open house Wednesday ; Library fete to be held tonight ; Parnassus club ; Play house planned ; Children's hour at library on Saturday ; Book club is given review of Hungry Men
Equipment at library modern ; Plans advanced on library fete ; La Porte book volume grows ; Book review club ; Children review books ; La Porte reading club will meet on Thursday
Library reading winners named ; Mrs. Spear reviews book ; Stamp collection is displayed at library ; Parnassus reading club ; Story hour here to be monthly feature ; Children's dictionary received at library ; Librarian reports to commissioner
Federal agency offering unemployed girls free camp and training school ; Ferry service to be resumed ; Houston girl, hurt on way to Dallas, reported recovering ; Parnasus club ; Monthly story hour is held at library
County library reports gain in circulation, Library on wheels ; Juvenile book show planned ; Parnassus party
Library shows big gain in circulation
Bok review group hears Mrs. T. Terrin ; Library here to devote week to young readers ; Reading epidemic ; La Porte library circulation hiked ; Book Week November 17-23
Assembly features National Book Week ; National Book Week will be observed here ; Guest day of mothers club is held Friday
Book review club ; Club gives book to library here ; Librarian to speak at Humble meeting tonight
Mothers club ; Parnassus club ; County librarian reports need to replace worn books ; Book Week classified
Japanese block print exhibit set at library ; South Houston library shows book increase ; Three of lights program is given ; Tree of light to be dedicated ; Tree of light is dedicated here ; Puppet shows given by library branches
Harris County Public Library received many requests asking book lists during Xmas season ; Library aid is requested ; County libraries' circulation gains
Need bread more than books, graham warns ; Sun slants ; To review book ; Food for the mind ; County library circulation record is set ; The Furys reviewed
Need bread more than books, graham warns ; Sun slants ; To review book ; Food for the mind ; County library circulation record is set ; The Furys reviewed
Library is first in world in install automatic system ; Goose Creek paces library book circulation
Circulation of library drops ; Bayshore Garden Club will beautify grounds ; Library offers books on history of early Texas ; Library shows book decrease ; La Porte library branch to open six days weekly ; Three branch libraries to be open hour longer ; Chester Bryan to talk
Further hours given La Porte branch library ; South Houston library campus being improved ; Book review club ; County library's circulation gains ; Shrubbery is planted on lawn of library ; Parnassus club
Book review club ; Circulation at library is high ; Circulation of library grows ; Pasadena's public library will celebrate fourteenth anniversary next Thursday
Why by MEFO ; Sherwood takes Pulitzer award ; Book review club
Library-aid plank will be urged on county candidates ; To do advanced study ; Facilities cited ; Library plans reading club
Book review club ; Negro, Mexican libraries open ; South Houston vacation club proves popular ; Reading club for children meets ; La Porte library activity reveals Bayshore active
Book review club ; La Porte church group to give book review ; County Library's circulation gains ; Mrs. Olive E. Wilsie, 87, who funded Seabrook library, taken by death
Eagerly-awaited books carried to remote farming areas - featuring photograph of Elnora Edgar, Leonard Stowe, Johnnie Pace and Hazel Pace
Library heads plan state unit ; Southwest library group to convene in city Oct. 21-24 ; Station libraries of county are reopened for school session ; Woman writer to talk in city ; More efficiency ; Library here to host to visitors ; Book review club
Noted names on program of librarians ; County library stations open ; The library conference ; Librayr building to be started at Highlands soon ; Contract for books is deferred again
Book week to be observed by libraries ; Traveling libraries ; Miss Edgar is guest speaker of study club
"Bookmobile" needed ; Children overrun library to animal stories by William Grant ; Hazel Pace is library speaker ; Book review club ; County librarian to address Lamar P.T.A.
Book week being celebrated here ; Bird painting on display at library ; Library to light tree next Friday ; Book week is observed ; Library tree of light dedicated ; Houston Library club meeting soon
Goose Creek Colored School
Mexicans, Japanese and Negroes among groups county library serves ; Pelly library show date set ; Book review club
County library schedules will change this week ; Library stations hunting new homes as school term ends; new "wagon route" started ; Library plans treasure hunt for children ; La Porte library hours increased
Book review club ; Negro, Mexican libraries open ; South Houston vacation club proves popular ; Reading club for children meets ; La Porte library activity reveals Bayshore active
State aid for libraries ; Library records community moves ; County library has bookwagons touring towns ; La Porte library lists new patrons
Summer reading keeps librarian in county active ; Goose Creek library gains ; Library here is closed for day ; Officials view county library expansion plan ; Miss Mason to conduct story hour Saturday ; Goose Creek library plans anniversary ; Goose Creek library to hold aniversary
"Rolling library" ; Library plans for Highlands gaining favor ; Pelly library to have story hour ; Circulation at library gains ; "Treasure hunt" at La Porte library ; Review Green Gates ; Winners in summer reading work named
Highlands to get new library ; Southwestern library group to convene here
Noted names on program of librarians ; County library stations open ; The library conference ; Librayr building to be started at Highlands soon ; Contract for books is deferred again
"Bookmobile" needed ; New library to be built at Highlands ; Child books on today and yesteryear about same
Houston Gardens
Houston Gardens to get library branch ; 34 children attend library story hour ; Miles for books ; Houston 20 years ago ; New edition of Texas Libraries Handbook issued ; County librarian on state committee
County library reports gain in circulation, Library on wheels ; Juvenile book show planned ; Parnassus party
Libraries are centers for communities ; Book review club
Many new volumes are seen at Harris County Public Library ; Fewer books are borrowed ; Library circulation drops for quarter
Bok review group hears Mrs. T. Terrin ; Library here to devote week to young readers ; Reading epidemic ; La Porte library circulation hiked ; Book Week November 17-23
Book review club ; Club gives book to library here ; Librarian to speak at Humble meeting tonight
"Rolling library" ; Library plans for Highlands gaining favor ; Pelly library to have story hour ; Circulation at library gains ; "Treasure hunt" at La Porte library ; Review Green Gates ; Winners in summer reading work named
La Porte
Parnassus reading club ; Story telling hour scheduled ; Circulation at library is high ; Book week will feature hobbies and story hour; Sun slants ; Library shows child hobbies
La Porte book distribution shows increase ; County library asks $24,500, of $7,000 increase ; County library report is made ; Parnassus club ; The County Library
Libraries are centers for communities ; Book review club
Rural schools' cloding means moving time for county public library ; Increase seen in La Porte library April circulation ; Garden Villas show planned by group in county library ; To register borrowers at library ; Puppet show to be given
County library maps program ; County library plans program ; Story hour to be held at library ; Plan puppet show ; County library facilities serve many purposes ; Circulation at library drops ; Book review club
Garden Villas show planned by group in County library ; La Porte library circulation shows increase for May ; County library's circulation gains ; La Porte library change of hours ; Reading club meets ; Book review club ; Story hour at local library ; Book review Tuesday ; Parnassus club
Houston Gardens to get library branch ; 34 children attend library story hour ; Miles for books ; Houston 20 years ago ; New edition of Texas Libraries Handbook issued ; County librarian on state committee
Books on outdoor life make strong appearl to patrons of Harris County library ; 14 children attend library story hour ; Branch library to get own building ; Parnassus club ; County Commissioners to visit libraries ; Book review club ; Readers at local library increase ; Story hour is held for tots at library ; Books are revised
Equipment at library modern ; Plans advanced on library fete ; La Porte book volume grows ; Book review club ; Children review books ; La Porte reading club will meet on Thursday
Federal agency offering unemployed girls free camp and training school ; Ferry service to be resumed ; Houston girl, hurt on way to Dallas, reported recovering ; Parnasus club ; Monthly story hour is held at library
County library reports gain in circulation, Library on wheels ; Juvenile book show planned ; Parnassus party
Bok review group hears Mrs. T. Terrin ; Library here to devote week to young readers ; Reading epidemic ; La Porte library circulation hiked ; Book Week November 17-23
Harris County Public Library received many requests asking book lists during Xmas season ; Library aid is requested ; County libraries' circulation gains
La Porte library offers new books ; 1934 circulation of library gains 12,000 books in 35 ; Parnassus club
Circulation of library drops ; Bayshore Garden Club will beautify grounds ; Library offers books on history of early Texas ; Library shows book decrease ; La Porte library branch to open six days weekly ; Three branch libraries to be open hour longer ; Chester Bryan to talk
Further hours given La Porte branch library ; South Houston library campus being improved ; Book review club ; County library's circulation gains ; Shrubbery is planted on lawn of library ; Parnassus club
Four communities lead county in use of library books ; Pasadena library will observe its 14th anniversary ; County library plays big part in centennial ; Harris County Library answers many requests for information regarding centennial of Texas
Library shows steady growth ; Harris County Library report shows increase
County library schedules will change this week ; Library stations hunting new homes as school term ends; new "wagon route" started ; Library plans treasure hunt for children ; La Porte library hours increased
State aid for libraries ; Library records community moves ; County library has bookwagons touring towns ; La Porte library lists new patrons
$40,000 in school bonds burned up in ashes from La Porte fire on Monday
Book review club ; La Porte church group to give book review ; County Library's circulation gains ; Mrs. Olive E. Wilsie, 87, who funded Seabrook library, taken by death
Juvenile vacation reading club expands La Porte library
"Rolling library" ; Library plans for Highlands gaining favor ; Pelly library to have story hour ; Circulation at library gains ; "Treasure hunt" at La Porte library ; Review Green Gates ; Winners in summer reading work named
Library heads plan state unit ; Southwest library group to convene in city Oct. 21-24 ; Station libraries of county are reopened for school session ; Woman writer to talk in city ; More efficiency ; Library here to host to visitors ; Book review club
Noted names on program of librarians ; County library stations open ; The library conference ; Librayr building to be started at Highlands soon ; Contract for books is deferred again
Book week being celebrated here ; Bird painting on display at library ; Library to light tree next Friday ; Book week is observed ; Library tree of light dedicated ; Houston Library club meeting soon
La Porte Colored School
Mexicans, Japanese and Negroes among groups county library serves ; Pelly library show date set ; Book review club
County library schedules will change this week ; Library stations hunting new homes as school term ends; new "wagon route" started ; Library plans treasure hunt for children ; La Porte library hours increased
Book review club ; Negro, Mexican libraries open ; South Houston vacation club proves popular ; Reading club for children meets ; La Porte library activity reveals Bayshore active
State aid for libraries ; Library records community moves ; County library has bookwagons touring towns ; La Porte library lists new patrons
Mount Houston
County library reports gain in circulation, Library on wheels ; Juvenile book show planned ; Parnassus party
Library heads plan state unit ; Southwest library group to convene in city Oct. 21-24 ; Station libraries of county are reopened for school session ; Woman writer to talk in city ; More efficiency ; Library here to host to visitors ; Book review club
Noted names on program of librarians ; County library stations open ; The library conference ; Librayr building to be started at Highlands soon ; Contract for books is deferred again
Books on outdoor life make strong appearl to patrons of Harris County library ; 14 children attend library story hour ; Branch library to get own building ; Parnassus club ; County Commissioners to visit libraries ; Book review club ; Readers at local library increase ; Story hour is held for tots at library ; Books are revised
Summer reading keeps librarian in county active ; Goose Creek library gains ; Library here is closed for day ; Officials view county library expansion plan ; Miss Mason to conduct story hour Saturday ; Goose Creek library plans anniversary ; Goose Creek library to hold aniversary
Pasadena Rainbow officers ; Bread of books ; County library's work is detailed ; Library will sponsor speech by Halliburton ; Sun slants ; 'The Wedge' reviewed
Four communities lead county in use of library books ; Pasadena library will observe its 14th anniversary ; County library plays big part in centennial ; Harris County Library answers many requests for information regarding centennial of Texas
Book review club ; Circulation at library is high ; Circulation of library grows ; Pasadena's public library will celebrate fourteenth anniversary next Thursday
Pasadena's public library will celebrate fourteenth anniversary next Thursday
Letters of Napoleon tell what 200,000 other works missed ; New librarian named at Pelly
Circulation of library jumps ; New librarian named in Pelly ; Massey portrait to be unveiled Wednesday ; Parnassus club ; Story telling hour will be held Saturday ; County library book circulation shows February decrease ; Reading club meets ; Review Phantom Crown ; Story hour at library held ; Club plans program
Libraries are centers for communities ; Book review club
Mexicans, Japanese and Negroes among groups county library serves ; Pelly library show date set ; Book review club
County library maps program ; County library plans program ; Story hour to be held at library ; Plan puppet show ; County library facilities serve many purposes ; Circulation at library drops ; Book review club
Summer reading keeps librarian in county active ; Goose Creek library gains ; Library here is closed for day ; Officials view county library expansion plan ; Miss Mason to conduct story hour Saturday ; Goose Creek library plans anniversary ; Goose Creek library to hold aniversary
"Rolling library" ; Library plans for Highlands gaining favor ; Pelly library to have story hour ; Circulation at library gains ; "Treasure hunt" at La Porte library ; Review Green Gates ; Winners in summer reading work named
County library maps program ; County library plans program ; Story hour to be held at library ; Plan puppet show ; County library facilities serve many purposes ; Circulation at library drops ; Book review club
Summer reading keeps librarian in county active ; Goose Creek library gains ; Library here is closed for day ; Officials view county library expansion plan ; Miss Mason to conduct story hour Saturday ; Goose Creek library plans anniversary ; Goose Creek library to hold aniversary
Book review club ; La Porte church group to give book review ; County Library's circulation gains ; Mrs. Olive E. Wilsie, 87, who funded Seabrook library, taken by death
Book week to be observed by libraries ; Traveling libraries ; Miss Edgar is guest speaker of study club
South Houston
State planning
County library maps program ; County library plans program ; Story hour to be held at library ; Plan puppet show ; County library facilities serve many purposes ; Circulation at library drops ; Book review club
Houston Gardens to get library branch ; 34 children attend library story hour ; Miles for books ; Houston 20 years ago ; New edition of Texas Libraries Handbook issued ; County librarian on state committee
Many new volumes are seen at Harris County Public Library ; Fewer books are borrowed ; Library circulation drops for quarter
Books on outdoor life make strong appearl to patrons of Harris County library ; 14 children attend library story hour ; Branch library to get own building ; Parnassus club ; County Commissioners to visit libraries ; Book review club ; Readers at local library increase ; Story hour is held for tots at library ; Books are revised
R.S. Sterling to talk at Goose Creek ; South Houston plan library ; South Houston library home to be erected ; Library proposed at South Houston ; Plans approved for new library
County library reports gain in circulation, Library on wheels ; Juvenile book show planned ; Parnassus party
Branch library to get own building ; South Houston plans library ; Library home may be opened with program ; New South Houston library building is believed assured ; Library will open in South Houston ; South Houston library moves to new quarters ; Library to open at South Houston today with dance program ; Library work begins at South Houston
Thirteenth anniversary of South Houston library will be celebrated October 25th
So. Houston branch library will be moved into permanent home on thirteenth birthday
Library shows big gain in circulation
Library unit is in new home
A fable and books ; South Houston library branch is in new home ; Miss Julia Ideson elected president of library club ; Library club will be organized here tonight
Book review club ; Club gives book to library here ; Librarian to speak at Humble meeting tonight
South Houston library shows book increase ; Rites for Dawes await arrival of Kansas relative ; Mrs. Echols gives review ; A. E. Dawes dies here Wednesday ; Christmas puppet show set Dec. 27 ; Rites delayed for attorney ; Parnassus club
Japanese block print exhibit set at library ; South Houston library shows book increase ; Three of lights program is given ; Tree of light to be dedicated ; Tree of light is dedicated here ; Puppet shows given by library branches
Harris County Public Library received many requests asking book lists during Xmas season ; Library aid is requested ; County libraries' circulation gains
Need bread more than books, Graham warns ; County budget hike unlikely ; Food for the mind ; Old phonographs and records are sought ; County library circulation record is set ; Library shows increase in book volume
Need bread more than books, Graham warns ; County budget hike unlikely ; Food for the mind ; Old phonographs and records are sought ; County library circulation record is set ; Library shows increase in book volume
Circulation of library drops ; Bayshore Garden Club will beautify grounds ; Library offers books on history of early Texas ; Library shows book decrease ; La Porte library branch to open six days weekly ; Three branch libraries to be open hour longer ; Chester Bryan to talk
Further hours given La Porte branch library ; South Houston library campus being improved ; Book review club ; County library's circulation gains ; Shrubbery is planted on lawn of library ; Parnassus club
Book review club ; Negro, Mexican libraries open ; South Houston vacation club proves popular ; Reading club for children meets ; La Porte library activity reveals Bayshore active
Mexicans, Japanese and Negroes among groups county library serves ; Pelly library show date set ; Book review club
Summer reading keeps librarian in county active ; Goose Creek library gains ; Library here is closed for day ; Officials view county library expansion plan ; Miss Mason to conduct story hour Saturday ; Goose Creek library plans anniversary ; Goose Creek library to hold aniversary